Sunday People



A FEMALE lance corporal was told by a woman officer to “go away and think about it” after reporting being groped by a male superior.

The victim said she was pressured to keep quiet after the horrifying ordeal at an Army base in the West Country.

She said: “I have been a soldier now for five years and every female soldier I know has either been sexually abused or harassed, some have even been raped but very few have made any formal complaint.”

The still-serving lance corporal was a private and on a course when she was assaulted about four years ago.

She had been warned some of the instructor­s might try it on and on the third night one came into her room on the pretence of talking about the course. She said: “Some of the students and instructor­s had had a few drinks and I think he got the wrong idea. Almost immediatel­y he tried to kiss me, when I refused he said I was being a flirt.

“He pushed me on to my bed and groped me. I was in shock, I thought I was going to get raped and I was terrified.

“I kept telling him to leave me alone, that I was not interested in sex but he just laughed. I managed to tell him

that unless he left I would scream. He left my room and I felt violated.”

The next morning she reported the attack but was told any complaint against a male senior NCO would affect her career and she would be “regarded as a slag”.

She feels her experience is part of a cover up culture and said: “I felt completely alone and didn’t have the confidence to pursue a formal complaint. “

Complainin­g will hit your career and you’ll be seen

as a slag

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