Sunday People



FLYING the flag for women everywhere,

big gap Davina Mccall has decided to fill a in our education about the menopause. Sex, Mind and the Menopause, on C4

relief on Monday, left viewers in tears of that they weren’t alone, praising it as a must-watch.

The 54-year-old TV presenter admitted she

was 44 when menopause’s

arrived, “evil little sister” peri-menopause leaving her with brain fog and depression. She had no idea what was happening. Davina busted taboos about how

the the menopause can affect the mind and body, speaking to women and experts about everything from sleeplessn­ess to a loss of libido. She says: “Women need more answers, more

support and a voice.”

DI Ray on ITV was a Line Of Dutystyle cop show with something new to say… namely, that racism is everywhere around us.

I mean, we knew this already, but it was quite shocking to see the world from the perspectiv­e of DI Rachita

Ray (Parminder Nagra) as she faced constant prejudice.

The issue of racism was tackled headon – and it was more interestin­g than the crime investigat­ion itself.

At work, DI Ray was asked,

“What’s your heritage?” before someone confused her photo ID with that of another Asian woman.

She was given a promotion to join a homicide investigat­ion but realised she’d been assigned to a “Culturally Specific Homicide” and was a token appointmen­t, chosen for her ethnicity rather than her ability.

A standard crime drama made more compelling by the entrenched racism and the lead being made to feel “other.

Fresh, relevant and thought-provoking.

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