Sunday People

True hero for Finlay

- By Jennifer Hyland

THE family of a boy who lost his cancer fight has thanked Batgirl star Leslie Grace for making him “feel like a superhero”.

The actress, 27, met Finlay Mckechnie, four, while filming in Glasgow when he visited the set dressed as Batman.

She told of her devastatio­n after he died last month of hepatoblas­toma.

Dad Harry, 47, of Ruchhill in Glasgow, said: “Finlay was mad about superheroe­s. When he was invited on to a real movie set and got to meet Batgirl, it meant the world to him.

“He spent 25 minutes speaking to Batgirl. That day they made him feel like a real superhero.”

Warner Bros has shelved the £75million film following poor feedback in test screenings.

 ?? ?? FUN DAY: With Leslie
FUN DAY: With Leslie

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