Sunday People


Most teachers giving pupils clothes and grub

- By John Siddle and Jack Clover

ALMOST three in five teachers are giving hard-up pupils food and clothes as the cost of living crisis hits vulnerable kids.

A poll carried out by a teaching union shows kind-hearted teachers are stepping in to shoulder the burden.

Stats from the NASUWT revealed 58% have donated food and clothing. And 15% had loaned cash to kids who were struggling for something to eat.

Union general secretary Patrick Roach said: “This is a deeply disturbing picture of the damaging impact of the cost of living crisis on children and young people the length and breadth of the country.

“It is outrageous that we should be seeing more and more families struggling or unable to feed, clothe or keep a roof over their children’s heads.”

Dr Roach called on the new Prime Minister to help youngsters and their families through the difficult autumn and winter, as the energy price cap kicks in and inflation hits household budgets.


The poll of 6,500 teachers shows a third have given advice on how youngsters and their families can access foodbanks.

Two thirds had seen pupils as young as five turn up for school in torn clothes, without proper shoes and without pens and pencils.

Teachers reported paying for children’s lunches and hot drinks.

One had seen some children come to school having not eaten anything but a packet of crisps in 24 hours.

Others described asking relatives to donate winter coats to keep youngsters warm, or taking washing home for pupils.

John Hayes, head of

Gospel Oak primary in

North London, says they are having to rely on community fundraiser­s to buy equipment like computers.

“It’s horrific, it’s going to get worse,” he said.

“This cost of living crisis is just adding to problems that have been around for years and the root cause of them is underfundi­ng.

“It’s a disgrace in this day and age that we’re having to ask for charity to fund the essentials such as computers.

“The Government says they put more money into education than they ever have done in the past.

“What they don’t say is that the costs are completely outstrippi­ng that rise.” As family bills and rents rise, some pupils also face homelessne­ss.

Catherine Armistead, head of Skerton St Luke’s primary in Lancaster, said: “We’re having children being made homeless, with four families being evicted last year because they can’t keep up with the rent prices rising.

“The economic circumstan­ces are a perfect storm.

“It’s the worst I’ve seen in my career. “The Government needs to fund schools so they can offer better pastoral support to help parents.

“I’m really concerned and worried for our families.

“It’s hard to parent well when you’re constantly worried about bills.” A study by the University of York shows twothirds of UK households will be in fuel poverty by January.

The health of up to 10 million children could be affected directly or indirectly as a result, according to the UCL Institute of Health Equity.

Chris Dyson, head of Parklands primary school in Leeds, warned that the situation will worsen as bills rocket from October.

“It’s going to be unpreceden­ted, a real winter of discontent”, he said.

“I can’t see a shining light or a way out without firm government action.

“They’ve been talking about it since March but still no action.

“Labour’s got the best idea on this to freeze the current prices.”

Teachers say the squeeze is just the latest blow after a decade of underfundi­ng has left schools strapped for cash.


The strain is taking its toll on pupils’ health, with three quarters of teachers reporting an increase in behaviour problems and two thirds seeing more who lack energy and concentrat­ion.

More pupils were coming to school hungry at the end of the last school year, according to 60% of teachers.

The average starting salary for a teacher outside of London is £25,714 rising to £28,000 in September.

But school heads say the much deserved rise will take away from schools’ budgets for other areas unless the Government boosts their funding.

And some have warned the pay rise, combined with energy price hikes, means they will have to cut staff.

One headteache­r in Kent said he had been advised to budget for an energy increase of nearly 200% by October.

More than 36,000 teachers left the state sector in 2020/2021, up 4,000 on the previous year.

A survey released in the spring by the National Education Union showed 44% are planning on leaving in the next five years – with more than half citing their “unmanageab­le workload” as a factor.

 ?? ?? PLEA: Patrick Roach ‘PERFECT
STORM’: Mrs Armistead, Mr Hayes, right, and Mr Dyson
PLEA: Patrick Roach ‘PERFECT STORM’: Mrs Armistead, Mr Hayes, right, and Mr Dyson

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