Sunday People

Josh out for Bills payback


JOSH ALLEN knows how close he came to the

Super Bowl last year and he is determined to put it right this time.

The quarterbac­k led Buffalo Bills to the playoffs, only to see their dream crushed by Kansas City in sudden-death overtime – just two games from the big one.

This season the Bills are widely fancied to win it all and start their journey on Thursday, the opening night of the season, away to defending champions the Los Angeles Rams.

At 26, Allen is in his fifth season in Buffalo in the prime of his career, and has no problem with the pre-season favourites tag.

He said: “We know what we want to accomplish and it’s no secret but there’s 31 other teams that say they want to win the Super Bowl. And if they don’t say it, they’re lying.

“Our coach Sean Mcdermott preaches playoff calibre, and in order to win the Super Bowl you’ve got to make the playoffs.

“So everything that we do should be focused towards that goal - making the playoffs and giving ourselves a chance to win the Super Bowl.”

Allen has warned his team-mates that they must prove all over again that they are a contender.

He said: “It doesn’t matter what we did last year. Nothing carries over.

“It’s our job to come out here, be the best version of ourselves, practise hard, try to get better and then go 1-and-0 each week.

“That’s our mindset.” And as for a hangover from last season’s bitter ending?

“Definitely not. Guys are hungry,” Allen insisted.

“We know the taste that was left with us and we want to get rid of that.

“Start week one against the Rams, go into a hostile environmen­t and try to put our best foot forward.”

Josh Allen

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