Sunday People


Tories go on cricket jolly to Corfu as Parliament tackles Sudan hell


TORY MPS were having a ball on a cricket jolly to Corfu while the Commons discussed evacuating Brits from civil war-ravaged Sudan.

They visited for a tournament to mark the 200th anniversar­y of the sport being introduced to Greece – where it was first played on the island of Corfu while it was under British rule.

Parliament­ary registers show eight Conservati­ve MPS and two Tory peers jetted out last month. At least four of the MPS were still abroad when Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell made a Commons statement on April 24 about Sudan after fighting broke out. Shadow Minister for Africa Lyn Brown told MPS: “The Government should be evacuating as many British nationals as possible, as quickly as possible.”

The Commons was also sitting on April 20 and 25 and documents show that MPS Nigel Adams, Aaron Bell,

Crispin Blunt and James Daly went to Corfu from April 20 to 25. Mr Daly and Mr Bell took their wives along, too.

Energy Minister Graham Stuart was registered as being on the trip from April 20-25 but his assistant said he was at a London event on April 24.

Minister for Disabled People Tom Pursglove went from April 20-23, and

MPS James Wild and Dr Neil Hudson April 20-24. Mr Pursglove and Mr Wild spoke in Parliament on April 24.

Lord Lancaster of Kimbolton and Baroness Evans of Bowes Park – married to Mr Wild – were the peers who joined the group. MPS registered contributi­ons toward accommodat­ion and flights totalling over £7,000 from the Lords and Commons All-party Parliament­ary Group on Cricket and wholesaler Awan Marketing plc.

The MPS and peers were contacted for comment and the Conservati­ve Party declined to comment.

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