Sunday People

Emma’s goal is a big roar

- By Simon Mullock

ALL-ROUNDER Emma Lamb hopes Heather Knight’s England team can produce an Ashes roar to rival the Lionesses this summer.

The series, which opens at Trent Bridge with England’s women playing their firstever five-day Test on home soil from June 22, has already started to capture the public’s imaginatio­n.

Following that there will be three T20 meetings with the Aussies and then three ODIS.

Lancastria­n Lamb, 25, who joined Jimmy Anderson coaching kids in Burnley in the Chance to Shine initiative, reckons the team can take inspiratio­n from the success of England’s women footballer­s at last year’s Euros.

She said: “It was great to see the whole country get behind the Lionesses – and hopefully that will happen during The Ashes.

“It doesn’t get any harder than facing Australia.

“They have been the best team in the world in all forms of the game for the last two years, so beating them would be huge.


“We will go into the series full of confidence, believing that if we focus on the things we can control then we have a great chance of winning.

“But it always helps to have the support of the fans – and the fact that the game at Edgbaston has almost sold out has given us a massive lift.

“The success of the Lionesses had a hugely positive impact on all women’s sport, not just football.

“I’m not a big rugby fan, but I watched England’s women win the Grand Slam the other week and I really got caught up in the excitement of it.

“Our aim has to be to try to emulate that success in cricket because the women’s game has started to take off.

“And a good performanc­e against Australia will help that to continue.”

 ?? ?? CHANCE TO SHINE: Emma Lamb at St Mary’s School
CHANCE TO SHINE: Emma Lamb at St Mary’s School

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