Sunday People

Beach death girl wanted to be a lawyer

Mum shares snaps of Sunnah, 12


Emergency crews on the sands


BEAMING warmly for the camera, schoolgirl Sunnah Khan had a life full of promise ahead of her and dreamed of being a lawyer.

But today, her devastated mum shares cherished images of the “cheeky, doting” 12-year-old as she tells of her grief after losing her in the Bournemout­h beach tragedy 11 days ago.

In an exclusive interview Stephanie Williams, 32, said: “There isn’t a word in the English dictionary that describes the pain – I don’t know how we will ever move on from this.

“The idea of her being in the water, feeling scared and knowing she’s going to drown… it’s gut-wrenching.”

Sunnah was with her dad, aunt and two siblings at Bournemout­h beach when she got into difficulty in the water along with nine other swimmers.

It is still not known what happened – but by the time it was over, Sunnah and Joe

Abbess, 17, from

Southampto­n, were dead. An inquest that opened on Monday heard they may have been caught in a riptide. Stephanie, an emergency nurse, was leaving work when she learned of the horror. She said: “My world came crashing down. I’ve been stuck in that moment ever since.” The mumof-four drove from High Wycombe, Bucks, to Poole Hospital, where Sunnah was taken, to say goodbye.

Asked to describe her, Stephanie said: “Sunnah was a force to be reckoned with.

She had so many friends at school. She was brilliant at maths and wanted to

Beaming Sunnah had lots of pals at school be a lawyer – which she’d be very good at because she was good at arguing!” Stephanie has made it her mission to spare other families her agony, saying: “I’d like to share Sunnah’s story in schools and push for water safety to be a mandatory part of the curriculum.” Hundreds of mourners lined the street for Sunnah’s funeral last Saturday. And Stephanie added: “I just hope she knew how many people loved her.”

 ?? ?? FUN-LOVING In face paint
CHEEKY She pulls face as a youngster
FUN-LOVING In face paint CHEEKY She pulls face as a youngster
 ?? ?? VICTIM
 ?? ?? MISSION Mum Stephanie wants more awarness on water safety
MISSION Mum Stephanie wants more awarness on water safety
 ?? ?? DOTING Sunnah shares a cuddle with Stephanie
DOTING Sunnah shares a cuddle with Stephanie

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