Sunday People

It’s from rush hour with love

MI5 recruiting bus route masters


RISHI Sunak is being urged to push for the release of a British blogger held for five years in India after highlighti­ng historical human rights abuses and atrocities against Sikhs.

Jagtar Singh Johal was arrested over an alleged murder conspiracy in 2017 while in Punjab for his wedding – and could face a death penalty.

The family of the 35-year-old, of Dumbarton, claim he was tortured and made to sign a confession.

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf has written to the PM calling for a “direct approach” to the Indian government.


FORGET James Bond’s licence to kill – all you need for a job at MI5 is a couple of GCSES and a travel pass.

Bosses at the security service are recruiting handlers to look after agents.

And the basic requiremen­ts for the high-pressure espionage role are passes in English and maths – plus a good knowledge of public transport, as you’ll be meeting agents on services like buses.

Pay is £51,000 a year with an extra £3,000 added for working unsociable hours while meeting spies.

A job advert for the London-based MI5 agent handler roles reveals: “A high level of fitness isn’t necessary but you will need to be mobile as you’ll spend a lot of time meeting agents outside of the office, both on foot and public transport.

“You’ll also have a minimum of two GCSES in maths and English language.

“As an agent handler, you’ll be trained to recruit and oversee relationsh­ips with members of the public who provide MI5 with informatio­n on potential threats.

“You’ll work closely with these agents, building trust to gather intelligen­ce that keeps the country safe.”

Spy chiefs say there is a lot of administra­tion involved but successful candidates will get to “nurture productive working relationsh­ips” with spies.

Applicants should also be self-starters who are neither shaken nor stirred at the idea of working independen­tly or making “informed decisions”.

And they should have good people skills – think less James Bond, more Miss Moneypenny.

The recruitmen­t ad states: “Our Agent Handlers take time to understand and respond to different agents’ unique situations, and are able to interact with a diverse range of people. They need a high level of empathy, curiosity and an open demeanour to ensure people feel comfortabl­e confiding in them.”

The agency adds: “MI5 safeguards the UK against a range of threats, such as terrorism and state threats like espionage and sabotage. “We investigat­e individual­s and organisati­ons who pose a threat to the UK by obtaining, collating, analysing and assessing secret intelligen­ce relating to these threats.”

 ?? ?? ‘MECCA’ Cliffs at the surf hotspot
HANG TEN Fans gather to watch
ULTIMATE THRILL Cotty after huge ride
‘MECCA’ Cliffs at the surf hotspot HANG TEN Fans gather to watch ULTIMATE THRILL Cotty after huge ride
 ?? ?? SPIES LIKE BUS A London service
SPIES LIKE BUS A London service

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