Sunday People

Water boss who tells us not to flush has SIX loos


A WATER chief who says people should not flush after a wee has SIX loos at her £1.7million home.

Thames Water’s Cathryn Ross reportedly agrees with the mantra: “If it’s yellow, let it mellow, if it’s brown, flush it down.”

Last month Ms Ross became interim CO-CEO at the company, which leaks more than 600 million litres of water a day and has £14billion of debts.

But if all gets too much, she can relax in the

32ft pool, hot tub and loft

POOL Boss Cathryn Ross sauna at her five-bedroom Oxfordshir­e contempora­ry home, set in nearly an acre of land. On Tuesday, Ms Ross, an ex-boss at watchdog Ofwat, suggested people with bigger gardens could be charged extra for water as they had higher levels of use. She reportedly spoke of a “progressiv­e charging system for water” to a London Assembly committee.

And said: “I think that might unlock the ability for us to put up water bills for those people who can pay while not putting up quite so much for people who can’t.”

Thames Water has secured a £750m investment from shareholde­rs to stay afloat.

In April, Ms Ross said: “The biggest thing everybody can do to reduce


IT’S advantage Mel C as she scans the New York skyline before lighting up the Empire State Building in honour of Wimbledon.

Sporty Spice, 49, was suitably dressed in white for the ceremony for the tennis tournament, which ends today with the men’s final.

The superfit singer even found time to take a breather and sat down next to a statue.

She may need her energy as the Spice Girls are to reunite for their 30th anniversar­y, and Victoria Beckham will tour with them next year. Sounds like game, set and match to girl power. day-to-day water consumptio­n is shorter showers and not flushing the loo every time.”

Thames Water said it is looking at developing a new tariff as fair as possible for efficient water use.

Mel C rests on statue at Empire State Building

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