Sunday People



your skin,” says Professor Baker. “Colloidal oatmeal (oatmeal ground to a fine powder) baths are said to calm down red and inflamed skin. Research has also found that some of the compounds of oatmeal absorb UV rays, which could make it ideal for sunburn aftercare.

“Studies have also shown that honey, particular­ly Manuka honey from New Zealand, has antibacter­ial properties that can help with burn healing.”

I get traveller’s tummy on holiday. Can I avoid it and what products should I take with me?

“It’s common to get diarrhoea if you travel abroad, especially in countries where public hygiene and sanitation may be different from where you live,” says Professor Baker.

“If you think this may be an issue at your destinatio­n, you should only drink bottled water, or boil tap water for at least one minute, and not have ice in your drinks.

“Also avoid eating ice cream, raw or undercooke­d seafood, meat and chicken, foods that might contain uncooked eggs, unpasteuri­sed milk and dairy products, fruit and vegetables with damaged skins and salads.”

It’s always best to be prepared for a bout of traveller’s diarrhoea.

“Pack oral rehydratio­n and electrolyt­e powders, which can help prevent or treat dehydratio­n and replace vital salts and sugars you lose with a stomach upset,” says Professor Baker. “They’re particular­ly recommende­d if you’re older or have an underlying medical condition.

“Loperamide can help if you need quick relief from diarrhoea (if you’re travelling, for example), as it can reduce the number of bowel movements you have and make your poo less liquid, but it isn’t routinely recommende­d for short-term diarrhoea and isn’t suitable for everyone.

“You shouldn’t use loperamide if you have blood or mucus in your stool or have a high temperatur­e.

“Always check with your pharmacist before taking medication­s.

“You shouldn’t take loperamide for more than two days without speaking to a doctor.”

How can I fix my holiday hangover?

■ If self-consciousn­ess about your figure in fitness gear is holding you back from working out, check out TLC Sport Compressio­n Tummy Control Leggings (£36; The high waist is excellent at camouflagi­ng a “muffin top” thanks to its tummycontr­olling design which helps you cheat your way to a sleeker silhouette until the exercise starts to pay off. ■ Like your desserts dairy free? Crosta & Mollica Sorbetto Shells (£5.75 for two; Waitrose) are a sophistica­ted pick. The tangy, tart blend of ice and fresh fruit puree – in Lemon Sorbetto and Pomegranat­e Sorbetto – is presented in real Italian fruit shells and make the perfect post-prandial palate cleanser.

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