Sunday People

Rapist cop will get his pension

Anger at ‘off-duty’ loophole which allows him to cash in


RAPIST cop Adam Provan will still get a £10,000-a-year police pension when freed from jail – because his crimes were committed off-duty.

The former PC attacked a 16-year-old girl “on a date from hell” and repeatedly raped a female colleague, while bragging he was “untouchabl­e”.

Under existing laws, a police officer forfeits their pension if convicted of a criminal offence linked to their work.

But Provan, 44 – jailed for 16 years – is set to get his payout because he was not in uniform when he attacked his victims.

The money will be on top of around £70,000 he was paid while suspended by the Met Police for two years.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan will urge Home Secretary Suella Braverman to block the pension. A spokesman for his office confirmed last night: “Following the conviction of Adam Provan for these truly horrendous crimes, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and

Crime are pursuing forfeiture of this former officer’s pension.”

If permission is granted, MOPAC will decide how much should be confiscate­d. Whatever the outcome, Provan will be entitled to the 35% he contribute­d. The office has made a similar bid

to block the £22,000 pension of serial rapist policeman David Carrick, 48.

Provan, who had more than 751 female contacts on his mobile, raped Lauren Taylor, then 16, on a blind date.

She agreed to a cinema trip after he told her he was a police officer and that he was 22 years old – when he was in fact 31. The fiend attacked her in woods in East London. Lauren, 29, who bravely waived her anonymity, said: “I remember holding on to the tree. I was kind of hugging the tree like emotional support, pretended I was anywhere else in the world but back there.” Provan, of Newmarket, Suffolk, was convicted at Wood Green crown court, North London, in June of eight rapes. The second victim, abused between 2003 and 2005, told the court: “It was humiliatin­g. I have never felt so degraded. I was under his control. “I was young and stupid. I wanted to pretend all was fine.” Lib Dem women and equalities spokespers­on Christine Jardine said: “The Home Secretary should strip Provan of his pension. “Anything less would be an insult to his victims.”

The Met Police said: “The matter has been referred to MOPAC and we are in liaison.”

‘‘ The crimes were truly horrendous... Mayor’s office will ask Home Secretary to block this former officer’s pension

 ?? ?? BID Home Sec Ms Braverman
BID Home Sec Ms Braverman
 ?? ?? PREDATOR Rapist Provan
PREDATOR Rapist Provan
 ?? ?? ORDEAL Cop lied to Lauren
ORDEAL Cop lied to Lauren

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