Sunday People

Film lays bare O’sullivan anguish


RONNIE O’sullivan has told how seeing himself in his latest documentar­y made him consider quitting snooker for good.

The seven-time world champion, 47, told how he wanted the Prime Video special to show his vulnerabil­ity.

But he admitted that seeing himself so low made him question why he had continued with the sport for so long.

He said: “It affected me. I watched it and I look back at it and I thought, ‘Why am I putting myself through it?’”

The film Ronnie O’sullivan: The Edge of Everything, shows him during the 2022 World Snooker Championsh­ip, where he became the oldest ever winner.

Cameras follow him on and off the table, including during fraught conversati­ons with his psychologi­st Steve Peters.

O’sullivan, regarded by many as the sport’s best-ever player, revealed it was seeing his facial expression­s on film that made him realise how troubled he was.

He said: “I didn’t realise I fell apart that much, and then I phoned up Sam [Blair, the director] and said, ‘I don’t even think I’m going to play snooker any more, mate’. I said, ‘I’m not sure I like what I see, mate. Why am I doing it? I could have a much nicer life’.

“But what did help was I watched this documentar­y about people who have done documentar­ies, and how it doesn’t always have the impact they think it’s going to have. Some people obviously have a good experience. But for some, it ruins their life. They get traumatise­d.

“This documentar­y is great because it made me feel like I wasn’t going crazy.”

The film premieres in cinemas on Tuesday with a live Q&A with O’sullivan and producer David Beckham. It will be released on Prime Video on Thursday.

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