Sunday People

Dangers of votes meddling


THE Tories are now so desperate that if they cannot win the election fair and square they’ll do so by hook. Or by crook.

The Electoral Commission is the watchdog which ensures a level democratic playing field for all political parties.

But the Tories plan to clip its wings on Wednesday in a way which two Commons committees reckon will undermine its independen­ce.

It is yet another bid by Rishi Sunak to stop voters consigning his party to oblivion.

A poll last week showed that, if a General Election was held tomorrow, the Tories would end up with just 42 MPS.

Those figures will most likely improve as the election draws near. But in any event we should be outraged at attempts by the PM to rig the final outcome.

Yet the Tories have already introduced voter ID, which threatens to disenfranc­hise two million people if they turn up on the day without the right documents. And you can bet most wouldn’t have voted Conservati­ve.

What little electoral fraud there is comes from postal votes scooped up by unscrupulo­us candidates, which this does not address.

The rules for overseas donations and voting have been changed to boost Tory fortunes in marginal seats.

And proposed Rwanda legislatio­n shows the PM’S scant regard for decisions made by British judges, or the rule of internatio­nal law.

We need an Electoral Commission free to act without fear or favour so voters know their democratic rights are being protected.

Our confidence in the political process will be irreparabl­y damaged by any move that tries to turn a watchdog into a lapdog.

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