Sunday People



CHARITY worker Devante Claridge today tells of how he found love with an optician he met in Specsavers after turning his life around with the help of his guide dog.

Devante, 31, was diagnosed at seven with incurable eye condition retinitis pigmentosa, which gives him tunnel vision and leads to blindness.

But he built a career and found love thanks to guide dog Mack – after initially turning down help aged 18. After going to college at 16 to learn animal management, his sight began failing just as he got a job at Bucklebury Farm Park, owned by Kate Middleton’s family.

Devante says: “Trying to catch chickens and guinea pigs to put away for the night without being able to see was a challenge. I met members of the Royal Family but was never starstruck – I couldn’t recognise them.”

At 26, Devante, of Newbury, West

Berkshire, hit rock bottom – quitting his job and hardly ever leaving home.

But after finally contacting Guide Dogs, he got a six-month placement at the Royal National College for the Blind studying holistic massage.

Telling his story on BBC One today to help raise awareness for Guide Dogs, he says things changed after being paired with golden retrieverl­abrador Mack in February 2022.

Now a community engagement officer for My Vision, he says: “I’ve joined a goalball team – a Paralympic sport a bit like dodgeball – and done the Three Peaks Challenge.”

And he says of meeting girlfriend Hannah Webb-smith, 28, in October 2022: “This beautiful young optician started chatting. I didn’t hesitate to explain my journey and she was fascinated. And she adored Mack.”

Hannah adds: “He claims Mack helped him find a girlfriend – it’s true!”

Lifeline airs at 1.50pm today on BBC One. Visit

 ?? ?? NEW PATHS Devante says Mack turned his life around
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Hannah and Devante
NEW PATHS Devante says Mack turned his life around LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Hannah and Devante

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