Sunday People


YOUR chance to quiz Starmer

- BY MIKEY SMITH Deputy Political Editor

IF you have something to ask the man who could be our next Prime Minister, here’s your chance.

Because next week, Keir Starmer will be answering questions from our readers.

You could ask the Labour leader how he will help families struggling to make ends meet or sort out hospitals.

Maybe you want to know how he would lead the UK on the world stage or how his family is preparing for the possibilit­y of moving into 10 Downing Street.

Keir will respond to the best questions. See below for details of how to ask him about what matters most to you.

RISHI Sunak is today accused of wasting more than £33million of taxpayer cash by chickening out of calling an election in May.

The Prime Minister still refuses to say when he will go to the polls but has ruled out May 2 – the same day as local elections.

Doing both votes at the same time would save the country around £33.2m, according to our analysis of previous election costs – which is enough to cover the annual salary of 100 nurses.

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner said yesterday: “Rishi Sunak has chickened out of a General Election this May and it’s going to cost taxpayers dearly. After 14 years of Tory failure, the public has the right to expect an election in May. The longer this Tory chaos goes on, the more it will cost working people and our public services.”

And this is not the first time our money has gone down the poll hole under this Government. The byelection­s to replace Tory MPS who have quit since 2019 have cost the nation more than £4million.

Meanwhile, the beleaguere­d PM faced fresh moves to oust him after another disastrous week.

Ms Rayner added: “While the NHS, schools and transport crumble on the Tories’ watch, Rishi Sunak’s weakness means we are locked in a never-ending spiral of chaos, waste and higher taxes.

“Nothing will change without a change of Government.” General elections held on the same day as local ones

 ?? ?? Send your questions by email to: Don’t forget to include your name, age, town or city and what you do for a living. Then look in the Daily Mirror next week to see Keir’s answer.
IN THE FRAME PM checks out TV broadcast camera on visit to Sunderland University
Send your questions by email to: Don’t forget to include your name, age, town or city and what you do for a living. Then look in the Daily Mirror next week to see Keir’s answer. IN THE FRAME PM checks out TV broadcast camera on visit to Sunderland University

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