Sunday People

PM a nervous wreck

Do right thing on donor


Rishi ‘Chicken Little’ Sunak has bottled calling the election. After 14 years of incompeten­ce, the British people are waiting to boot out the unelected PM.

You can’t blame him for running scared. He’s had the week from hell.

First, the Budget fell flat as a pancake, even with his own MPS.

It was meant to be the pre-election moment to bamboozle Labour and wow the public.

But instead of starting the campaign with a bang, they’re going out with barely a whimper.

It was meant to bring millions of Tory voters who have abandoned the party back. Instead, it drove Lee Anderson, the former Deputy Party Chairman, out altogether.

Anderson said he quit because, after 14 years of Tory government, “you can’t get a police officer to turn up to your house when it gets burgled, people are pulling their own teeth out and they can’t get a GP appointmen­t”.

I’m only ever going to say this once – I agree with Lee.

The Chancellor launched a smash-and-grab on Labour’s plan to abolish the non-dom tax status.

After a decade of scaremonge­ring, ministers warned it would put 230,000 nurses at risk and called it “about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike”.

Now they’ve pinched it. We’ll add it to the list of Labour policies the Government has adopted – our plans to train more NHS staff, recruit more dentists and for a windfall tax on oil and gas giants.

If the Conservati­ves are so desperate to see our manifesto implemente­d, they should just call an election.

But why was Mr Sunak so wedded to the non-dom tax status for so long? At least he can now honestly tell the British people, “we’re all in this together”.

The Shadow Health team and I went to see Michael Sheen’s Nye this week – a play about Bevan’s fight to create the NHS and the dignity of universal healthcare.

Bevan’s dad, a miner who died of black lung, joined him for the final scene. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

Next week, I’ll give a speech on how Labour will make our NHS fit for the future.

Under the Tories, it runs on outdated 80s technology like pagers and faxes. We’ll put AI in every hospital so

If the Downing Street magpies think this causes Labour problems, they don’t know Rachel Reeves.

The Iron Shadow Chancellor is the best chess player in Westminste­r, always three moves ahead.

Labour remains committed to delivering free primary school breakfast clubs, two million more NHS and 700,000 more dentistry appointmen­ts, and doubling NHS scanners.

Tory tactics won’t stop our mission to revive the NHS and make sure kids start the day with

patients are diagnosed earlier and treated faster.

Our plans will also give power to the patients through the NHS app.

Labour will bring our analogue service into the digital age. hungry minds, not hungry bellies. The big surprise was the Chancellor’s unfunded £46billion pledge to abolish National Insurance. That’s a quarter of the NHS budget.

The Tories would have to knock down 130 hospitals and sack 96,000 nurses and 37,000 doctors to pay for it. They haven’t learned a thing.

The choice at the next election is a reckless Conservati­ve Party that will crash the economy again, or a changed Labour Party to give Britain its future back.

It can’t come soon enough.

Keir Starmer has promised to make the arts available to all. Like me, he is from a working-class background so don’t tell us culture is elitist.

Music and theatre opens doors and lifts up kids from background­s like ours. Every child deserves a chance to shine.

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