Sunday People

Raspberry simnel cake




500g ready-made marzipan

150g raspberrie­s, plus 11 for the top (about 50g)

200g self-raising flour, plus 1 tbsp 175g butter

175g caster sugar 3 medium eggs, plus an egg yolk, beaten 50g ground almonds 150g sultanas

1 egg white, lightly beaten to loosen 1

Line a 20cm loose-bottomed baking tin with parchment. Roll out a third of the marzipan to a 20cm circle. Wrap the remainder and any offcuts and set aside.


Preheat the oven to 170˚C/150˚C fan/gas mark 3. Toss the 150g raspberrie­s in the extra tablespoon of flour and set aside.


Beat together the butter and sugar until pale and creamy, then gradually whisk in the three whole eggs and single yolk. If the mixture begins to curdle, add a tablespoon of flour and mix in.


Sift the flour over the mix and fold in gently until smooth.

Fold in the ground almonds, sultanas and floured raspberrie­s.


Scrape half of the cake mixture into the tin and carefully lay the marzipan round on top.


Add the remaining mixture, level the top and bake for about an hour and a quarter to an hour and a half, until it’s golden and a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 15 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.


Roll out half of the remaining marzipan into a circle.

Place on top of the cooled cake.


Shape 11 balls from the leftover marzipan and arrange in a circle on top. Preheat the grill to medium.


Brush all over with the egg white. Place the cake under the grill or use a blow torch to brown gently. Remove from the grill, leave to cool. Decorate with the fresh raspberrie­s.

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