Sunday People

Time for a stint in sobriety?

With more people than ever opting for a low or alcohol-free lifestyle, we explore how ditching the drink could work for you


Thanks to social media, the “sober curious” movement has gained momentum in recent years. In contrast to the binge-drinking culture of old, Gen Z and Millenials are increasing­ly rejecting alcohol. According to research by consumer insights agency Canvas8, just 27% of UK Gen-zers say they drink alcohol, compared to 47% of Boomers.

But that’s not the whole story. Social media is awash with newly sober women in their forties and fifties, too. So what’s driving them to banish the wine o’clock lifestyle?

This midlife stage comes with countless challenges, such as perimenopa­use, empty nest syndrome, career pressure, caring for elderly parents – none of which are helped by a wine-induced bout of hangxiety.

For those who have entered perimenopa­use, common symptoms like hot flushes and night sweats are known to be worsened by alcohol. There’s also the impact on mental health to consider. Many women will experience anxiety and insomnia, which alcohol can exacerbate.

Paula Briggs, a consultant at Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, points out there could be other health implicatio­ns during perimenopa­use. “If your liver function is affected, that could affect how you metabolise everything [including alcohol]. It might affect cholestero­l levels as well. And alcohol can affect these levels,” she says.

More generally, women are more likely than men to be adversely affected by alcohol. Drink for drink, women absorb more alcohol than men – even more so as we age – and we’re more likely to develop conditions such as liver disease as well as suffer from cognitive decline.

In the immediate term, there’s the hangover – and for most, they’re far harder to deal with in your latter years.

For those who want to go teetotal, it’s never been easier to try. With more and more alcoholfre­e bars emerging and 0% beers in every supermarke­t, there’s a cultural shift away from the stigma once associated with sobriety.

Thinking about cutting back? Read our expert tips…


“An important part of understand­ing your own relationsh­ip with alcohol is being able to talk about it,” says Annabelle Bonus, Drinkaware’s director of research, policy and strategy. Annabelle suggests confiding in loved ones if you think your drinking has changed. “It can be quite hard to identify yourself because changes happen over time. It’s your friends and family, they can see the change.”


“Look out for when you’re drinking to cope. There’s a clear associatio­n between that and risky drinking. It’s about becoming more aware of what your triggers are and what you might be able to do instead,” says Annabelle. Considerin­g “alcohol-free alternativ­es or even low-alcohol” are great ways to dip your feet into sober waters, too, and distractio­ns can help. “Spending time with friends, exercising and making a plan to help you stick to your goals is key,” she adds.


Know your personal limit, as well as the official guidelines. Everyone’s tolerance level is different, so work out yours, warns Annabelle. “Alcohol is associated with seven types of cancer, liver disease and heart disease. But it’s easy to reduce your risks by being aware of the low-risk guidelines of 14 units a week, which is about six or seven glasses of wine. It’s about planning your drinking and making sure you’re aware of long-term impacts,” she says.


Reduced, or no, alcohol intake brings a multitude of benefits toyour physical and mental health. There are the obvious ones, like having better sleep, avoiding those dreaded hangovers – including hangxiety – increased mental clarity, and a general less-lethargic feeling. But what about those unexpected pros that come with ditching drink? Annabelle adds that “better skin, weight loss andlower blood pressure” can also come into effect.


Don’t beat yourself up – even those with a genuine interest in trying out sobriety will waver for lots of reasons, including social activities and celebratio­ns. “I don’t think anyone should be made to feel bad for their choices as we are all motivated in different ways. And it’s about supporting each other and being able to talk about it,” says Annabelle. “It’s really normal to have periods of sobriety in your life and periods where you’re drinking a bit more.”

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