Sunday People


Ghouls to target appeal hearing


DELUDED people campaignin­g for the freedom of evil Lucy Letby are plotting to stage a protest outside her upcoming appeal hearing.

The twisted nurse’s supporters plan to produce placards proclaimin­g that Britain’s worst baby killer is a victim of a miscarriag­e of justice.

And they even intend to get inside the building by booking spectator seats.

A source close to the case said: “It is hard to think of anything more grotesque and offensive than this planned protest. While everyone deserves to challenge the justice system, the prospect of dredging up what happened in this most public way is abhorrent.

“Hopefully, those planning this will come to their senses and let the judicial process play out inside the court.”

Letby’s supporters intend to stage a demo outside the Royal Courts of Justice on April 25, where the 34-yearold is expected to appear via video link.

Making plans on a closed Facebook group, one of her supporters said: “Let’s take placards. There is nothing to stop us protesting outside the building, let’s all meet in person.” Another chimed in: “Free Lucy – brilliant idea!”

And one user said of getting inside too: “There are limited spaces open to the public, we need to apply in advance.”

A reply read: “I’ve put a screenshot in the comments, it has email addresses for inquiries. Make sure to apply ASAP.”

Letby lodged an appeal applicatio­n shortly after getting a life sentence in August last year for murdering seven tots and attempting to kill six more at the Countess of Chester Hospital.

Her bid was originally turned down at the first stage when a single judge reviewed the evidence. But she was later granted a full court hearing and her case is set to be considered by a panel of judges. If she loses, it will be the end of the appeal process.

A trial at Manchester Crown Court heard detectives found scrawled notes in Letby’s home in which she wrote “I am evil I did this” and “I killed them on purpose because I am not good enough.”

At her sentencing, Letby, originally from Hereford, got multiple whole-life terms – only the fourth woman in UK history to receive such a sentence.

The jury failed to reach a verdict on six attempted murder counts and it was later announced Letby will face a retrial over the near death of a seventh baby.

We previously revealed a petition on calling for her conviction­s to be quashed had nearly 2,000 signatures. It claims evidence given in Letby’s trial was “insufficie­nt”.

 ?? ?? ARREST Letby is led from home
ARREST Letby is led from home

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