Sunday Sport


Doodle clue to Chancellor’s state of mind

- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

THERE were fears for George Osborne’s state of mind last night after it emerged the Chancellor scrawled a COCK ‘ N’ BALLS while preparing to present Wednesday’s spending review.

As well as the graphic semen- spurting phallus, Mr Osborne, 42, had also doodled foul- mouthed insults aimed at Cabinet colleague David Cameron.

The insults – too graphic to repeat in a family newspaper – included: CAMERON BELL END, C***! and… COCK PISS CAMERON.

A further cartoon- style drawing shows a figure – presumably Mr Cameron – with a giant COCK protruding from the top of his head.


While the world’s media concentrat­ed on Mr Osborne’s pre- spending review burger – a posh swan and caviar concoction with a side order of larks – Sunday Sport used space- age technology to examine briefing notes on the Chancellor’s desk.

After using a special digital enhancemen­t technique, the vulgar scribbling­s became clear.

One senior Conservati­ve minister who we showed the enhanced picture said: “Oh dear! George has been under quite a lot of pressure recently. He thought that being Chancellor of the Exchequer would be a piece of cake but he didn’t realise you have to do really hard sums involving very big numbers indeed.

“Obviously he has been taking out his frustratio­n by making these doodles while preparing the speech for his spending review.

“And it’s clear as day that David Cameron is the target of his simmering resentment.” Mr Osborne, who has promised to stop benefits for people who do not learn English, was also ridiculed after Britain was spelt wrong in the first line of the spending review.


He’s not the first Chancellor of the Exchequer to display bizarre behaviour while at the helm of the Treasury. In 1949 Sir Stafford Cripps took to SHITTING in the fireplace of the Number 11 drawing room, believing the Soviets had bugged his downstairs lavvy.

In 1952 Conservati­ve Rab Butler became a transvesti­te thanks to the stress of the post and was secretly known as Lillian until his death in 1982.

 ??  ?? GOING NUTS? Osborne’s scrawls are sure to lead to questions in Parliament BURGER ME: Osborne’s foul doodles are clear to see
GOING NUTS? Osborne’s scrawls are sure to lead to questions in Parliament BURGER ME: Osborne’s foul doodles are clear to see
 ??  ??

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