Sunday Sport


Fury as taxpayer picks up vet’s bill for Brit-hating rodent

- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

A MAIMED hamster will be cared for by the British taxpayer after its owner became fed up of its hate- filled antics.

Dad- of- three Garry Speedweigh watched the Syrian rodent turn for a fun- loving bundle of fur to a biting, scratching hellrat after losing a paw and an eye in a bizarre wheel accident.

Garry, of Blackburn, Lancs, nicknamed the rodent Abu Hamster after the one- eyed, one- handed hate preacher, Abu Hamza, who was jailed for life in the USA last week.

Painter Garry, 48, put up with the nips and gnaws for two years but snapped when Abu bit his youngest daughter.


Garry said: “It got beyond a joke when the animal bit our Beyonce. It was time for Abu to find a new home.”

Traditiona­lly, hamsters have been disposed of by putting them in a canvas bag and hitting them with a hammer

But this method has been banned by prodnose Brussels “animal rights” legislatio­n.

Instead, Garry had to call his council domestic rodent hotline – and pay £ 45 for Abu to be taken into care.

The taxpayer must now pick up the tab for Abu’s board and lodging – and pay for vets to tend his itty- bitty hook and false eye. Terry Furey of the Taxpayers’ Forum raged: “Thanks to Brussels, we are paying for the upkeep of a hamster that hates humanity, and Britain in particular.

“This country has gone to hell in a handbasket.”

Last week, it emerged Hamza’s family will continue to live in their taxpayerfu­nded £ 1.25million house – and receive £ 650 a week in state benefits.

Neighbours reacted with anger after it emerged the family can continue to rely on the generosity of the taxpayer despite Hamza facing life behind bars for terror offences in the US.

Hamza was convicted of 11 terror charges earlier this week after fighting an expensive 10- year legal battle against extraditio­n. BEHIND BARS: Hamza

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 ??  ?? FOR HOOK’S SAKE: The hamster was given the name Abu Hamster after hate preacher Hamza ( left)
FOR HOOK’S SAKE: The hamster was given the name Abu Hamster after hate preacher Hamza ( left)
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