Sunday Sport




LOUISE: I love it when a guy goes on top and fiddles with my clit at the same time. That always gets me off.

I like to lie back and enjoy myself and let the bloke do the work.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to put in the effort and go on top from time to time too, but missionary is my fave. BECKY: Mine is from behind. I love a big pair of balls swinging around my bits. You get deeper penetratio­n as well, that way.

And I quite like it when the bloke slaps my arse a bit too.


BECKY: Have you ever been caught at it? LOUISE: No, but I have been told off by my flatmates for making too much noise and they nearly came in to tell me to shut up!

I went out the other week and pulled this lad. I didn’t shag him on the first night though, I went out for a drink the next night instead.

I knew he would be a good shag, so I took him back to mine and we were at it for hours.

I was a bit tipsy and you know what it’s like, you forget about other people being around.

The next day all three of the blokes I live with sat me down and gave me a talking to. It was so embarrassi­ng. BECKY: Oh no, that is proper cringey. I live with a load of rugby lads and I was having sex one night and one of them burst in naked and started waving his willy around for a laugh!

Normally, I’d have been horrified being naked in front of him but given he was stark bollock naked as well I wasn’t that bothered.

But then I did a really loud fanny fart and he heard it. I’ve never lived it down.


LOUISE: Have you ever tried anal? BECKY: Well, kind of. A boyfriend from back home put it up there for a bit but I didn’t like it very much. And I’ve not done it since.

I think it’s something I might get into when I’m a bit older and when I want to spice things up. LOUISE: Yes, I agree. I once had a guy try it when I was on holiday in Kavos.

He was doing me from behind and he sneaked it up there.

It really bloody hurt as well, because it was a surprise.

So it’s put me right off now. I can’t see me wanting to repeat it again for ages.




LOUISE: I love giving blowjobs and I know I’m good at them. That was one of the things my flatmates said when they told me off for making noise.

The guy was as loud as me and yelled the house down when I was sucking him off. He loved it!

I think it’s a right buzz being able to be in total control and drive a man wild. And I’ll swallow too, unless I’m too tipsy after a night out and I think it might make me throw up. BECKY: Yeah, I don’t mind giving head, but as long as they return the favour. I do struggle getting a willy in my mouth though, as it’s quite small.

But I’ve never had any complaints. I think it’s good to use your hand as much as your mouth too, so you are tossing them off as well.

Then it’s all over in no time!


BECKY: Have you ever had food sex? LOUISE: Yes, me and this lad I used to see once got a bowl of Cookies and Cream Haagan Dazs ice cream and took it to bed with us.

It was really horny. He covered me in it and licked it off and the sensation of the cold and his tongue was brilliant.

hope they don’t read this now though!


LOUISE: Have you ever done any role play with a fella? BECKY: Yeah, I once dressed up as a college girl – that was fun. I pretended I’d been naughty and my boyfriend put me over his knee and gently spanked my bum.

I was trying to be all serious and believe my luck – I’d only been at uni a few days!

When we got back there, we were just getting down to it when a few of his mates started hammering on the door. They had turned up with a load of beers and wanted to carry on drinking.

I told him to ignore it because I really wanted a shag. But he put his clothes back on and bloody let them in for a party! After listening to them talk about football for two hours I made my excuses and left.

I was so gutted! LOUISE: Mine was with

It’s good to use your hand as much as your mouth…

Have you got a vibrator? LOUISE: Yes, my friend got a free one when she bought a Rabbit so she gave it to me. It’s one of those bullet things.

It’s little and silver and you use it on your clit when you have sex. It’s good.

Some blokes can be a bit funny when you get it out though. But they like it because it means I can have an orgasm while we have sex. BECKY: I’ve never tried one, but I did have a boyfriend who put a wine bottle up me once.

The worse thing was the cork came off it and it got stuck up there for a bit! LOUISE: At least you didn’t have to go to hospital – that would have been well embarrassi­ng for you! But you should have seen the state of my bed sheets in the morning! They were all brown and minging! BECKY: Ha, there’s a lesson for you – use vanilla next time and it won’t be so messy I reckon!

I once used whipped cream and strawberri­e, s which was fun.

And another time, I was having sex in the kitchen and needed a bit of lube, so I just scooped a lump of margarine out of the tub and used that! LOUISE: Ugh, that is gross! Did your flatmates eat from it after? BECKY: Yes, but I never told them! I pretend it was for real but I couldn’t stop laughing! LOUISE: You nutter. I’ve dressed up in nice underwear and hold- ups and heels but that’s as far as I’ve gone. It did make me feel sexy – and the lad loved it too.


BECKY: Mine was a one- night stand I had a couple of years ago. I got chatted up by this gorgeous fella in a club in Fresher’s week and he invited me back to his halls of residence. I couldn’t this fella I pulled on holiday once in Spain. He was local and worked in a club and kept giving me free drinks.

At the end of the night he asked me back to his flat and he was dead good looking so I said yes.

But he was totally crap in bed – he didn’t bother with any foreplay and it was over in about two minutes.

Plus he hardly spoke any English so I couldn’t even tell him what I wanted him to do to me.

I kept trying to show him but he just shoved it in!


LOUISE: I’ve not done one but it is definitely on my to- do list. BECKY: No, me neither. If I was to give it a go, it would have to be with a lad and another girl that I really fancied.

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