Sunday Sport

Time to batter bomb-proof Blatter!


I’VE got a very simple solution to the Qatar World Cup debate: Boycott it. You’d be better advised daubing your kids in meat paste and leaving them locked in a council flat with a dozen starving pitbulls than entrusting the good of the beautiful game to Blatter and his FIFA cronies.

The Qatar World Cup bid stank from the start.

The trouble is, what we see as corruption, other cultures call “oiling the wheels of business”.

Just as you or I would treat a young lady to a slap- up ruby and lashings of Bacardi in the name of romance, the Qatar bidding team will have seen nothing wrong in financial “gifts” designed to help their bid.

As the whole mess unravels, the only thing you can be certain of is that Blatter will be bomb- proof and non- stick, freeing him up to retain the position of power he claimed he had no intention of running for.

And with the Qataris preparing a legal battle should their World Cup rug be pulled from under them, the game could be heading for meltdown at the highest level.

If the leading countries in the world’s football governing bodies take a stand and deliver a vote of no confidence to FIFA as its ruling body, you can bet your arse all the others will soon follow.

Let the money- mad monster that Blatter and co has turned our game into turn on its master and use its power to reclaim the game.

Then, Blatter and all his rich pals can sit in their air- conditione­d stadium in Qatar – that, quite appropriat­ely, looks like a lady part – watching sweet FA.

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