Sunday Sport



ON Wednesday, the Queen announced legislatio­n to help 1.9 million families with childcare bills by providing state help worth up to £ 2,000 a year per child.

The £ 750m- a- year scheme applies to parents in work.

All jolly good, I’m sure everyone agrees – until you look at this as a subsidy to big business.

With the parish picking up the childcare bills, the pressure’s off their wages bills. The more the State picks up, the less workers will press for higher wages.

Lower wages equals higher profits for the bosses.

Well- heeled feminists bang on about women’s careers and the “right” to childcare.

As usual, they are talking selfish bollocks. THE News of the World did NOT erase any voicemails from murder victim Milly Dowler’s phone.

That’s official. A judge said it in court last week.

It was The Guardian that initially reported they had, and at the time we all thought “They’ve gone too far now.”

It was that gut reaction that directly led to the closure of the News of the World and the Leveson Inquiry – the biggest assault on Press freedom in modern times.

Whatever anyone tells you, the whole Press witch- hunt was based on a bitter, twisted newspaper with an anti- Rupert Murdoch agenda being wrong.

And, like the smug, leftie c** ts they are, the bastards who work for The Guardian have refused to apologise. JUSTIN Bieber has faced a storm of outrage because he used the N- word five years ago. My grasp of mathematic­s is not great but I’ve worked out that Bieber was 15 years old at the time.

Would any of us like to be reminded of the nonsense we came out with when we were 15?

There have been many days where I’ve hated being reminded what I said the night before.

It’s a bit unfair to have a go at Bieber for things he said as a daft teenager.

Especially when there is so much to attack the daft c** t for now that he’s all grown up.

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