Sunday Sport


What pervert told cops as they dragged him out the back of a dead sheep

- By NEIL GOODWIN neil@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

WARPED Alan Carmichael has been dubbed the sickest man in Britain after being caught having sex with a dead sheep on the side of a busy road.

Police received dozens of calls after the 46- year- old was spotted by passing motorists at around 10am with his trousers around his ankles, nuts- deep in roadkill.

Officers say witnesses described hearing Carmichael’s screams of ecstasy as he was romping with his ovine partner. And when they turned up to the A624 to investigat­e, he refused to stop

his gruesome necrophili­c sex act, insisting: “I’m doing nothing wrong!”

When police dragged him off the woolly corpse he told them: “I didn’t know sex with roadkill was illegal.”

During police interviews the unemployed former musician said he thought he had found a loophole that would allow him to fulfil his fantasy of having sex with a sheep.

Carmichael, from Chinley, Derbyshire, said he thought his act would be legal because his victim was dead it would not cause cruelty or suffering. CHARGED: Carmichael

admitted the gruesome act with the dead sheep

But police charged the ex-drummer, whose band Mrs Robinson’s Cat once supported The Soup Dragons at a concert in Barrow- in- Furness, with outraging public decency.


He admitted the offence and is now waiting to be sentenced – but his solicitor claimed his client was trying to do the right thing.

Lawyer Deane Simons said: “This is a case of a man with a fantasy he wished to fulfil but did not want to break the law. My client was trying to do the decent thing.

“He knew his sexual desire for sheep was illegal, so he reasoned it would okay to have sex with a dead one.

“He spent a month walking around the roads and moors near his home trying to find a suitable receptacle.

“Sadly his first success was in public view and he is paying the price for that. We are hoping the judge takes this into account.”

A police source said: “When it comes to shagging dead sheep in public, there are no loopholes.”

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