Sunday Sport



COR limey! You were getting pretty fruity with your entries to last week’s caption contest.

And it proved you’ve all got a real zest for comedy when it comes to penning gags.

But there can be only one winner and this week it’s Steve Sheppard, from Doncaster, who wrote: “I was assaulted by four women last night – they tried to grape me!”

F***- all to do with limes, Steve, but we’ll still send you a cheque for £ 50 in the next few weeks.

And lots of other fruit- based captions gave us a chuckle, too.

Mark Nevin, in Glasgow, tried: “I thought I was starring in a fruit flavoured condom advert? Now I feel a right gooseberry!”

Marie Gallen, from Worcester: “You can take my apples but you’ll never take my plums.”

Mel Cadman, from Telford: “Worse case of Klingons I’ve ever seen.”

G Hinson, from Coventry: “Ooh, I could crush a grape!”

Mrs S Deakin, also from Coventry: “If his gooseberri­es are that big, I wonder what his banana looks like?”

Stephen Benton,

from York:


“Mr Costa Rica’s Freddie Mercury lookalike is set to have a fruit party for the World Cup – he heard there are lots of young men running around playing with balls!”

And Phil Chater of Stourbridg­e: “The mother- in- law bought a bag of plums around today. I said, ‘ You know where you can stick them.’ Me and my big mouth!”

Now it’s YOUR turn to see if you can win £ 50 with your wit.

Come up with a caption for the pic above, fill in the coupon below and send to it to: Caption Competitio­n, c/ o Sunday Sport, Floor 3, Maclaren House, Lancastria­n Office Centre, Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Manchester M32 0FP.

Entries must be with us by Friday.

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