Sunday Sport


Fury at jailed nonces’ prison show plan

- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

PLANS for a behind- bars extravagan­za featuring Britain’s most reviled showbiz stars have been blasted by charities.

Celebrity nonces Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Max Clifford and Gary Glitter are being lined up to lay on a variety show touring Britain’s jails.

The four were among Britain’s best known and – apart from slimy dirt pedlar Clifford – best- loved stars before their fall from grace.

Do- gooders reckon they can use the celebrity paedophile­s’ talents to improve morale in jails and quell potential unrest.

An insider told Sunday Sport: “An important part of prison is rehabilita­tion. The last thing we want is for these men to come out of jail and start back at their old antics.


“A variety performanc­e featuring these four would be ideal: Gary could sing a few songs, Rolf could have a go of his wobble board, Stuart could compere and Max could drum up publicity.

“Everyone’s a winner. I’m led to believe that they are excited at the prospect.

“Rolf has been practising night and day, though he’s been asked not to do that ‘ ah- hoo- haa, a- hoo- aha- ha’ thing. That’s deemed a wildly inappropri­ate noise to make in a prison cell AT COURT: Celebrity lags now doing porridge

are Clifford ( left), Harris ( top) and Hall after lights out.”

Claims that the touring band would be called Yewtree have been angrily denied by officials. Yewtree is the codename for the police anti- noncery operation set up after Jimmy Savile’s crimes.

Between them, Glitter, Hall, Harris and Clifford are serving a total of 34 years in jail.

Last month Glitter was found guilty of attempted rape, indecent assault and having sex with a girl under the age of 13. He was put away for 16 years.

Hall pleaded guilty in April 2013 to indecently assaulting 13 girls, aged

CON THE STAGE: Dirty old perverts may get back

to treading the boards in

prisons between 9 and 17 years old. He was eventually handed 30 months. In May 2014 he was found guilty on two further charges and got an extra 30 months in prison.

Harris was found guilty on 12 charges of indecent assault and got five years and nine months in prison.

In March 2014, Clifford was found guilty of eight indecent assaults got eight years in prison.

Terry Furey, of pressure group Hey! Paedo! Leave Those Kids Alone, raged: “This is nonce- sense! I am flabbergas­ted that anyone could even think this is a good idea.” GLIT’S A WORRY: Glam rock nonce may be a star on tour of nicks

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