Sunday Sport

Cops are more moron than Morse


ONE of my favourite TV shows of all time is Inspector Morse.

Wonderfull­y written, beautifull­y filmed in the gorgeous city of Oxford and marvellous­ly acted by the late John Thaw.

It’s also somehow quite reassuring to think that our police officers are wise, thoughtful and have more regard for humanity and common sense than pettifoggi­ng rules and regulation­s.

Alas, Inspector Morse is fiction. The reality is rather more disappoint­ing.

Sophie Lindley was cycling in Grantham, Lincs, with dad Dale, when they stopped to feed ducks.


An officer ordered Sophie off her bike, pointing out that cycling on the pavement was illegal. He even threatened to confiscate the bike if she didn’t get off.

Now, I’ve got a four- year- old niece. I can imagine how that went down.

The officer, a man paid a pretty penny to uphold the Queen’s Speech uttered those immortal words: “The law is the law”.

Yes officer. And a c** t is a c** t.

What possible harm could be done by a four- year- old on a toy bike with stabiliser­s? She wouldn’t have sent OAPs skittling into the duck pond. ON YER BIKE: Modern policing seems a world away from good old- fashioned bobbies like Morse ( right)

I hardly imagine little Sophie is going to grow up with the rosy view of the Constabula­ry that many of us had.

But there’s a far more important point here.

An idiot who thought it worth his while to stop his patrol car and threaten a four- year- old child is still patrolling the town of Grantham.

Someone who clearly lacks common sense and good judgement is allowed to go around arresting people with the full power of the State behind him. This is utterly terrifying. We may broadly respect our police but there are far too many officers like Grantham’s PC Halfwit in its ranks.

If we let this sort of silliness go, we are setting ourselves up for the day when the police commit all manner of atrocities under the excuse “the law is the law” or, in another time, “I was only obeying orders.”

First they came for the four- year- olds…

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