Sunday Sport


- By BRAD CHADWICK news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

A COMPUTER expert murdered his wife and cut her body into pieces because she stood in his way of an “exciting” sex holiday in Thailand.

Horst Koenig, 53, has admitted in court that he killed his wife of 10 years Grace, 37, and cleared out her bank account so he could enjoy a “booze and hookers” holiday in the Far East.

The German also confessed to plotting the murder and described in detail how he carried it out.

He told Augsburg State Court in Bavaria: “I had check lists made, I worked it all out.”

Filipino Grace had endured his infidelity, said prosecutor­s. He wanted to take a sex holiday but knew she would “have to be out of the way”.

On November 19, 2015 Koenig leased warehouse in Augsburg where he installed a computer to research how to kill a person with a single blow to the head.

When the computer was later found by police they found other searches for ‘ how to prevent decay’ in a corpse and Send him down for long time! visits to anatomy sites. On November 28 he bought a 5lb hammer and duct tape. Two days later, while she was asleep in bed, he whacked her on the temple and then slipped a plastic bag over her head, leading to her death by suffocatio­n.

After buying tickets for his Thailand trip he sliced Grace’s body into eight bits and stuffed them into plastic bags.

He later went back to his secret computer to search for ‘ When does a body begin to smell?’

Before he flew out he typed e- mails to friends and family members of Grace saying she had left him to return to the Philippine­s “but I’ll win her back.”

He stayed in Pattaya for three weeks but was arrested on his return.

A prosecutor said he was found with pictures of a young Asian girl.

Chemical laboratory assistant Koenig is facing a lifetime jail term.

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