Sunday Sport


- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

WORLD War III will not be sparked by the invasion of Poland or the killing of an Archduke.

The humanity- ending cataclysm will be sparked by a pasty- faced computer programmer tapping code into his keyboard.

That’s the view of experts who see cyberspace as the new conflict front line.

It’s emerged that space- age cyber warriors fight off two major hacking attempts against Britain every day.

Top targets include the Bank of England, nuclear bases, the Ministry of Defence, transport and the NHS. Chief suspects are China, North Korea, Russia and Iran. ALTHOUGH most Russians are aggressive drunkards, they are normally quite harmless if given a wide berth. But a few manage to stay sober long enough to be a genuine threat to world peace. Russia has a team of crack cyber-warriors who are trained to hack into our military and commercial systems. President Putin has ordered spy bosses to recruit hackers from Russia’s internet scam sector to battle the West, particular­ly Britain’s nuclear power stations. DESPITE having rudimentar­y computers, the North Koreans cause lots of online mischief. Divers have run a huge cable from the North Korean coast and plugged it into the internet under the Sea of Japan – allowing all sorts of havoc to be wreaked. The rogue nation regularly

Experts fear cat- and- mouse brinksmans­hip in cyberspace is every bit as dangerous as the Cuban Missile Crisis, which took humanity to the eve of destructio­n in 1962.

A source said: “One day a hacker will break in to the U. S. defence system and that will trigger a full- scale alert and nuclear retaliatio­n.

“In the fast- paced world of cyber warfare, our fate could be sealed by one keystroke.” PRESIDENT Assad’s government has used its Dubai-based Syrian Electronic and Army to smash through cyber space penetrate media outlets and government­s critical of the Damascus regime. They have attacked much Brit media – including Sunday Sport – and hacked Twitter accounts of prominent people. Assad’s spooks have even published false info about firms in a bid to manipulate the stock market. It’s feared they could blunder into sensitive systems and spark world war. hacks western commercial interests and plants “viruses” to damage systems. Although North Korea has not yet managed to penetrate western defence systems – the country’s total computing power is only slightly greater than a desktop PC – they make daily hacking progress. THE world’s emerging superpower is a massive player in the world of cyber warfare. Beijing has 50,000 cyber warriors who probe the West’s internet defences 24/7. They target military, security and commercial interests and think nothing of stealing top secret technology. China is active in stealing plans for high-tech jet fighters, which they can make more cheaply than western firms as their pilots tend to be lighter. Analysts fear that China may have already infiltrate­d several U.S. military systems and stolen key elements of “stealth” technology.

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