Sunday Sport



FIRST TIME DI: What was your first time like? KAREN: Well, I haven’t actually had full sex yet! DI: Really! But you’ve been with your fella for ages! KAREN: I know. I have dated a guy for 18 months and not slept with him. I’m just a bit funny about going all the way. I want to make sure that when I do it, it’s right. DI: I think it’s good to wait until you find the right one.

My first time was with my first boyfriend. I was 17 and had been seeing him for a while so it wasn’t like I rushed into doing anything I wasn’t ready for.

Trouble was, it was overrated. It was at my mum’s house when I lived at home and we built it up to be a massive thing, then it was a disappoint­ment. GOING FURTHER DI: So if you haven’t had sex, have you done other stuff? KAREN: Yes, I’ve done almost everything else – all the foreplay, just not had full sex. My fellas have been fine with it. I’ve just never felt ready to go the whole hog! DI: Well, good for you, I say! GIRLY SNOGS DI: Have you ever had any naughty fun with a girl? KAREN: I’ve kissed a girl but that’s about it. It was quite nice as they have soft skin, but I prefer guys. DI: I’ve kissed a girl too. I just did it for a bit of a giggle when I was drunk and it was really funny. I just kept laughing. CAUGHT OUT KAREN: Have you ever been caught while you have been having sex? DI: No, I’m always pretty careful to make sure no one is around. KAREN: If I got caught I’d be mortified. DRESSING UP DI: I like dressing up in sexy lingerie. Do you ever dress up? KAREN: Yes, I like to buy nice undies to put on for my man. I’ve got corsets and things like that too. It’s nice to make an effort. I always like to look sexy when I go out with a guy. DI: You must drive your fellas up the he woke up the next day! DI: He was just really drunk. It was with my boyfriend and one of his friends. It all got a bit out of control and we were getting up to stuff, then his mate just passed out. We left him lying on the floor and carried on! KAREN: Well, because I behave myself I’ve not had any disasters so far with men! ONE- NIGHTERS KAREN: I don’t have any problem with one night stands. I think if you’re young, free and single and you want to have fun, go for it.

It’s not for me but as long as you’re not cheating, that’s OK. DI: I think one night stands are cool. They are just good, clean fun and as long as no- one gets hurt then that’s fine, I’d say. WILLY SIZE DI: Is it important to have a big willy? KAREN: I’m not sure, really. I guess I wouldn’t like a really big one first time round, I’d be too nervous! DI: I agree. That is probably not a good idea! I think it’s more important that a AGE: 22 FROM: Cardiff STUDYING: UNIVERSITY: Business Law FAVE Swansea FOOD: University Chicken salad FAVE DRINK: White wine FAVE FILM: Kick-Ass FAVE ACTOR: Aaron Taylor-Johnson my fella were walking home one night after a few drinks and we were both a bit frisky so we got down to it. KAREN: Did you get spotted by anyone? DI: No, we were lucky because there weren’t many people about and we got down to it pretty quickly. KAREN: I’d rather keep my antics indoors for now! WOMEN’S NEEDS DI: What do you think that girls want from a guy? KAREN: Well, I think more guys should realise that everything doesn’t revolve around sex.

I have been lucky with my boyfriends AGE: 21 FROM: Llanelli Science STUDYING: Computer University UNIVERSITY: Swansea Sunday roast FAVE FOOD: Chicken cocktail FAVE DRINK: Any the Dragon Tattoo FAVE FILM: Girl with Craig FAVE ACTOR: Daniel sex. That’s where some of them go wrong. They are far too selfish in the bedroom department! BUM FUN KAREN: Actually, I’ve let my fella put a finger up there. It was quite a thrilling sensation. I’m looking forward to bigger things in that area in the future. DI: Bllody hell, for a girl who hasn’t had sex yet you’ve done a lot of dirty thing! BLOWJOBS KAREN: Yes, well, I’m pretty good at those too. Maybe that’s why my men are happy enough without full sex. I’m quite good at them, it seems. DI: I wouldn’t be surprised to see them queuing round the block for a spot of ‘ no sex’ with you!

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