Sunday Sport

The curry was bumf**ker morning I had a sh*tter like Donald Trump’s Twitter!


- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

THE LATEST edition of Viz comic is on sale now, with its regular update of the ace Roger’s Profanisau­rus.

Get your Viz – priced £ 3.50 – from your newsagents now. Meanwhile here are a few of our favourite new entries... arse- ritis n. medic. Debilitati­ng medical condition whereby one simply cannot be arsed to get up and do things. bird’s nest soup n. The contents of a lady’s drip tray; considered a savoury delicacy in some cultures brothelyse­r n. A post- lads’ weekend away nosh administer­ed by a suspicious missus, whereby any failure to meet the required standard will lead to terrible consequenc­es. Buf** ker hot adj. Measure of the spiciness of a foodstuff that subsequent­ly occasions acute discomfort in the back body. busted teabag euph. A chodbin containing hundreds of small fragments of shit swirling around after the last occupant has flushed with somewhat limited success. call the midwife 1. n. Title of a television drama series enjoyed by girls. 2. exclam. A desperate plea yelled from the Rick Witter by someone giving breach birth to Meat Loaf’s daughter. cappuchino­s n. casual slacks. A fair of frothily besoiled Cresta c** t n. A state of extreme female arousal. From the 1970s fizzy drink slogan, viz, “It’s frothy, man”. curry fever n. medic. A particular­ly virulent form of dysentery brought on by the previous evening’s consumptio­n of well- seasoned viands of dubious provenance. Donald Trump’s Twitter, a shitter like sim. rhet. Descriptiv­e of an arse that is liable to make attention- grabbing and highly obnoxious pronouncem­ents at any time of the day or night. doleslaw n. Unloved piles of shredded lettuce, cabbage and tomato as found adorning polystyren­e kebab boxes on bus stop benches throughout the country’s less salubrious locales. filth of Saruman is washing away, the phr. A remark that can be uttered out loud, or even thought to one’s self, as one pisses skid marks off the bum sink. A line uttered by the big tree man in Lord of the Rings. flop flaps n. of labias. A frankly disappoint­ing pair harrisment n. Being touched by a popular 1970s entertaine­r in an inappropri­ate manner. Kim wrong- un n. prop. A man whose interc** tinental missile always seems to end up going where it really shouldn’t go. lord of the fleas n. a Gentleman of the road. Mitsubishi mud pie n. Doggers’ take on a popular chain restaurant dessert, involving anal in the back of an Evo. muffled adj. Led by muff, shackled in the salmon handcuffs. Also c** tstruck. not worth the paper it’s written on phr. Said of a disappoint­ingly small shit that is frankly a waste of bumwad. piping out the haggis n. Severe, discordant flatulence caused by the consumptio­n of Scotland’s finest offal- based comestible. plopsy n. medic. Diarrhoea. Also, the skits, splurry, faecal treacle, jungle jitters, arse piss, rusty water or hoop soup. polish surname, as long and hard as a sim. Descriptiv­e of an impressive endowment in the trouser department. pull the plug v. To tentativel­y embark on the first sit down toilet adventure of the day following a night on the sauce. salmon dust n. a light sprinkling of fishy residue that falls from a courting swain’s hands when he rubs them together. sex roses n. Romantic post- coital tissues left to harden into perfectly- formed, albeit none- too- fragrant flower petals on the bedside table Tinder miles n. An evaluation of the attractive­ness of a prospectiv­e dating assignatio­n, calculated according to how far one would be prepared to drive to have it off with them. “She’s reasonably fit, I suppose, but in Tinder miles, she’s not really worth the petrol.” up with the cock 1. n. To rise from one’s slumber at an early hour. 2. n. To awake with a fearsome stalk in your pants. vadge of honour n. The completely natural and wildly unkempt minge of a feminist, worn with pride. “Yes, Germaine, we’ve all seen your vadge of honour. Now, put it away, please. Time for our first question which comes from Lionel Trubshaw, who is a librarian. Mr Trubshaw...” virtuoso 1. n. A talented musician, eg. An oboe soloist capable of tackling Pasculli’s fiendishly difficult Le Api. 2. n. One who’s cherry remains firmly intact, eg. See 1.

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