Sunday Sport

No other willy had ever hit the spot like his one did – I had so many orgasms!


FIRST BLOWJOB STEPHANIE: When I gave my first blowjob I found it a real turn- on. I was 17 and in bed with my boyfriend.

I went for it because I thought if I did it to him then he might return the favour. It was pretty easy, he came within seconds and I swallowed because I thought it was rude to spit. I was gutted afterwards because he wouldn’t go down on me, the sod. EMILY: I was with my boyfriend at a party when I gave my first blowie. He used to go down on me all the time so I thought it was only fair I’d give him some pleasure back.

I was quite nervous in case I got it wrong though. It took ages to get there and I spat. I still do, I don’t care what they think.

FIRST TIME STEPHANIE: I did it with my boyfriend in his parents’ double bed when I was 16. We were both virgins and it felt like the right time as we’d been seeing each other a few months.

We found we had the house to ourselves for the night and just thought “why not?” Unfortunat­ely it was pretty awful. We’d only just got started when he came – I’m talking two seconds! I was mortified because I was expecting fireworks. EMILY: I lost my virginity to one of my friends from school. We were on a camping trip and when it got dark he sneaked into my tent.

I’d fancied him for ages and couldn’t believe my luck when I pulled him and one thing led to another, I was really excited. Unfortunat­ely, the sex wasn’t that good. It only lasted about five minutes.

FIRST HUGE WILLY STEPHANIE: I dated an older guy last year and he had the biggest willy I’ve had so far, it was about nine inches long. I was terrified the first time he whipped it out,

I just thought to myself ‘ It’s too big, it for some reason. I’ll definitely do it when the right guy comes along. EMILY: Done it, love it! It feels so damn dirty, it’s a must for a big sex night.

FIRST TIME OUTSIDE STEPHANIE: When I was 17 I went to Magaluf with some friends and ended up having sex in the sea one night. It was with a guy I had a fling with that week, it was in the early hours of the morning.

I loved it because he was really fit and very experience­d. We did it in the sea and then on the beach. It felt liberating. EMILY: My first time was on a beach as well. I was on an out of season holiday with my boyfriend in Spain. He took me for a a party. The host told us it was the best thing on the market and I couldn’t resist buying it.

It felt a bit strange the first time I used it but I soon got the hang of it. It gave me so many orgasms I had to lie down after because I was in shock!

FIRST ONE- NIGHT STAND STEPHANIE: I was on a night out in town with some of my mates and pulled a really fit guy in a club at about midnight.

We were both really into each other and at the end of the night he asked me to go back to his flat. Inevitably I ended up in bed with him and the sex

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