Sunday Sport


- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

is a role Craig Fairbrass was born to play, and he grips the role between his teeth and does not let go.

It’s a towering performanc­e that really cements Craig’s reputation as a screen hard man of the highest rank.

The rest of the cast is a veritable who’s who of the creme de la creme of Brit gangster film talent – with the likes of Terry Stone ( Bonded By Blood), Eddie Webber ( The Firm), Larry Lamb ( The Hatton Garden Job), Jamie Foreman ( Layer Cake), Josh Myers ( Bonded By Blood 2) and Billy Murray ( Essex Boys) shoving their lovely mugs onto the screen.


There are also appearance­s from Big Brother sensation and bareknuckl­e fighter Paddy Doherty in his acting debut, and legendary Happy Mondays frontman Shaun Ryder as a nasty piece of work called Mad Dog.

Zackary Adler – the man behind the hit The Rise of/ Fall of the Krays films – directs with energy and panache to spare, with stand- out set pieces including brutal showdowns, eye- popping orgies and prison bust- ups – just your average day in the life of an Essex gangster!

The movie is released in cinemas and on digital HD on November 3 from Signature Entertainm­ent and Carnaby Internatio­nal.

To view the trailer go to www.riseofthef­

You can also follow the film on Facebook by searching @ Riseofthef­ootsoldier­film or on Twitter at @ Footsoldie­rFilm TALENT: Larry ROGUE: Terry YES folks, that’s right. It WAS Shaun Ryder you saw in the trailer!

The legendary Happy Mondays frontman – and former Sunday Sport columnist – plays a proper bad bastard called Mad Dog.

Back in 1991 when the Mondays were the biggest thing in British music, Shaun and his sidekick Bez – also a one- time Sport man – posed for this amazing snap with top- shelf legend Linzi Drew.

Happily, Shaun managed not to twist Linzi’s gorgeous melons! – Tim Vine

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ME and my mum don’t get on. We never argue, but if a bus stops in front of us we don’t get on.
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