Sunday Sport


- By REX ROWLANDS rex@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

URINE TROUBLE: Nugent and his flagons of special ‘ scrumpy’ A MAN has been exposed as passing off gallons of his own PISS as home- made scrumpy cider to unsuspecti­ng tourists.

Disgusting Gordon Nugent, 69, has been selling his “special recipe” home brew at his West Country home for six months.

But now he is facing prosecutio­n as the drink was sent to Home Office labs for analysis after customers fell ill after drinking it.

Nugent, who sold the half- gallon jars from his front garden at £ 10 each, described his “cider” as having “an unusual, almost unique taste” when customers commented on its bitterness.


Following complaints, local health and safety officers raided his bungalow in Bideford, Cornwall, and tested the dodgy brew, and found it was 60 per cent Nugent’s piss mixed with Strongbow cider bought from his local supermarke­t.

Nugent insists he’d done nothing wrong, saying the drink was clearly advertised as “unusual” and that no- one had asked how it was made.

He told Sunday Sport: “There’s nothing wrong with my scrumpy. I never said it didn’t have my piss in it.

“I decided to make my own cider using my urine after drinking some supermarke­t scrumpy which tasted like piss anyway.”

Nugent has been in trouble with the authoritie­s before, having seven previous conviction­s for being drunk and disorderly after drinking bouts of extra strong cider at his local.

In 2013, he walked naked through the centre of Bideford with his penis erect claiming he was celebratin­g “Cornish Independen­ce Hard- on Day”.

A spokesman for Cornwall’s trading standards authority said: “Mr Nugent passed off his own urine as scrumpy cider. The fact that he doesn’t see anything wrong in this suggests he has drunk rather too much of the real stuff himself.”

Former tin miner Nugent is waiting to hear if charges will be brought against him.

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