Sunday Sport




HOW do you think Britain is going to solve the childhood obesity problem?

It seems that, even with Brexit looming, namby- pamby European “human rights” legislatio­n means boot camps for tubby little f** kers along with bread- and- water rations are out.

Making these face- stuffing mini- gluttons work off the flab on treadmills is also a no- go, apparently.

So what do you think the Department of Health has come up with?

Forcing restaurant­s to print the calorie count of meals on their menus. No, really. I shit you not. For the love of the living c** t! What f** king planet do these shit- for- brains live on? I’ll tell you what planet. Planet F** king London, that’s where – a place where common sense is surgically removed at the city limits.

How many times have you sat down at a restaurant and thought: “Hmmm… I wonder how many calories are in this pie”? Exactly. Twice the square root of f** king never.

Now some common sense has entered the equation in the form of the Treasury, who have warned that plans to force restaurant­s to put calorie counts on menus could push up prices and lead to thousands of job losses.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss, has said the policy would be a burden on 26,000 small businesses and could lead to severe job cuts.

The Treasury estimates that working out the precise calorie count of individual dishes could cost up to £ 500 and menus would have to be reprinted when recipes changed, adding further costs. There’s another thing, too. You don’t go to a f** king restaurant to lose weight!

Calorie counting will just be a way for the big chains to cut portions while keeping the price the same.

It’s not dining out that makes people fat f** kers – it’s the 24 Mars bars they shove in their stupid, drooling faces while watching The X Factor.

How could the Department of Health – which had £ 122billion thrown at it last year – think that this was ever a good idea?

What kind of halfwits are running the show there?

Note to Britain’s civil servants: if you can’t come up with a sensible suggestion, just keep your f** king traps shut.

Better to be silent and have people think you’re useless than open your gob and prove it beyond all doubt.

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