Sunday Sport

Fast food bog thief in shit


A PLUMBER has been accused of swiping toilet fixtures from fast- food joints.

Richard Mirabile, 44, strode into the greasy spoons, went straight the loo and used a spanner and screwdrive­r to pry off automatic flushing mechanisms worth £ 200 each before fleeing.

The accused thief hit eight eateries in the Queens area of New York before being nicked on December 28 in a Burger King.

Mirabile was visibly drunk or high and spent an hour or more in a Wendy’s bog during one heist, a manager claimed.

Lolita Javier, 48, said: “I told him, ‘ Hey get out of the bathroom, you’ve been there for like an hour’ and he was like, ‘ I’m not stealing anything.”

Mirabile, who has previous, was charged and slung in the lock- up.

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