Sunday Sport


Two tons of adult mags fell through Tom’s ceiling


NUDEY mag- loving Tom Barker was killed when his massive collection of vintage porn mags fell through his bedroom ceiling and crushed him.

The 36- year- old filth fan had spent 15 years amassing the most thorough selection of spank mags in Britain.

He was known to fellow collectors as “the Godfather of Grot” and stored a vast collection of magazines dating from 1962 up until 1999 in his loft.

But he neglected to strengthen the floor of his attic and the stress of more than two tons of gentleman’s periodical­s weighing down was just too much for his building.

And last November the whole lot came through and landed on top of the unmarried window cleaner – pinning him to his bed and slowly crushing him to death. SLOW DEATH: UK’s top porn collector Tom

An inquest at a coroner’s court in London heard tragic Tom suffered an agonising death over three days.

Fellow member of the porn collection community Heath Jameson, 62, told Sunday Sport: “Tom was the real leader of our little gang. There’s a few thousand of us across the country and everyone looked up to him.

“His collection was out of this world – he even had a copy of the 1981 mag Ginger Lady Bits of which only 100 were ever printed.

“His mags were all pristine and he had nothing after 1999 – he reckoned that was the cut- off date for when the girls stopped having bushes.

“It’s sad that he died like this but at least he died surrounded by what he loved most.”

The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.

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