Sunday Sport


DEANO ON SUNDAY Fuming Kim orders grisly execution READER PIC


THEY sat there, looking for all the world like maiden aunts in the front row of a Berlin scat dungeon live sex show.

The Labour front bench were battered, bewildered, overwhelme­d and shell- shocked by the full force of Boris Johnson in the Commons on Thursday.

Corbyn and his dead- eyed Marxist clones have had three years of being gently slapped in the face by the wet fish that was Theresa May.

Last week they came up against the Great White Shark that is Boris.

He tore into Corbyn's support for Iran.

He ripped into shadow Chancellor John McDonnell's economic record.

The great discontent­ed mass on the Labour back benches who hate Corbyn more than they hate any Tory must have been squirming with delight.

Because that's the thing about Boris.

Watching Boris in action is a thrill – even of you're a Remainiac or a staunch Labour man.

Whatever his failings – and there are many – he puts on a good show.

Who could not be delighted by his promise of 20,000 more coppers, of tacking the scandal of old age care, of backing British industry and of investing potloads of cash in the schools?

Of course, Jeremy Corbyn has made similar grandiose promises – all paid for by taxing the rich until the pips squeak.

But doesn't it sound better coming from an Oxford University man schooled in Classics than from a clapped- out, corduroy- clad Trot who dropped out of Neasden Polytechni­c? And that is what we need. The previous Government made a half- cocked, half- hearted bollocks of Brexit.

Little wonder – they didn't actually believe in Brexit.

Boris – though, I admit, he may just be lying – actually sounds like he believes in Brexit. He certainly believes in Britain. And he definitely believes in Boris. That's a start. Theresa asked us to believe in her when it was obvious she did not believe in herself. She was doomed. Boris may not be to your taste. I'm not entirely sure he's my cup of tea, either.

His premiershi­p may be doomed, too.

But, f** k me, it looks like it's going to be fun! CHOP CHOP: Kim was swift to order punishment of joker who did the deed WE'RE all going to the zoo tomorrow – and we're going to show off our busters!

Gorgeous Lisa Watts must have driven the monkeys mad when he whipped out her boobs at a wildlife park near her home in Birmingham.

The 22- year- old said: “It was a spur of the moment thing. And it was a bit cooler with my top down, too!” Would you like to see your sexy pic in

Email readerpics@ sundayspor­t. co. uk – we'll reply straight back. A NORTH Korean naval engineer was hurled into an industrial shredder and his mashed remains fed to CROWS after he cheekily drew a giant cock ` n' balls on Kim Jong Un's new submarine.

The pint- sized potentate was photograph­ed last week inspecting the U- boat – thought to be an old Soviet craft – which is joining North Korea's laughable navy.

But what most of the mainstream media FAILED to spot was the phallus sprayed in red paint on the ship's hull.

Tyrant Kim, 35, DID spot it, though – and ordered punishment.

An insider at the commie state whispered: “The Great Leader was very proud of his new submarine which he believes will bring his victory over saboteurs, wreckers and capitalist running dogs.

“So when he saw that male member on the hull he was furious. He did not let on in front of IT'S SUB STANDARD: Kim's olld craft with rude graffiti painted on it the TV cameras and gave calm interviews about what a great leap forward the submarine was. But after that he exploded. He had the entire workforce lined up and threatened to kill them all unless someone confessed.

“One poor man did and he was dragged away by the security police. We later found he'd been shredded and his mashed up body left for crows to feed on.”

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