Sunday Sport



YOU’RE FINE! Will Alan be won over by Lottie’s charms is stunning Lottie’s SMART & SEXY: Lottie on The Apprentice BANGED UP: Mark Findlater A FORMER animal sanctuary worker caught with bestiality porn has been jailed after ignoring a court order banning him from keeping animals.

Mark Findlater, 32, was jailed for seven months after a haul of vile images and videos depicting sex acts between adults and dogs, cows, pigs and horses was found on his home computer.

Colleagues at an animal sanctuary where Findlater, from Angus, Scotland, had worked found a link to the bestiality site on a computer after he left.

A search warrant executed at his home uncovered more than 1,000 images and 400 videos of sex acts between humans and livestock.

In May 2016 he was given a community payback order after he admitted possessing the extreme material from 2011 to 2013, but he has repeatedly breached it and was warned by a court he was “sorely trying” the patience of the court.

Social workers said the court they had “reached the end of the road” in their efforts to rehabilita­te him within the community.

The breaches included still keeping animals in defiance of the ban.

Last week, sheriff Gregor Murray said: “Unfortunat­ely, criminal justice feel they can no longer work with Mr Findlater and I think that decision has been made with a heavy heart,” she said.

“They feel they are at the end of the road.

“He would be someone who’d be vulnerable in a custodial setting.

“Custody is something that frightens him, he is honest about that.”

Sheriff Murray told the accused: “When I first sentenced you I said that these were horrendous offences.

“I said then that the choice was between what would be, because of the number of images, a relatively brief custodial sentence, or a lengthy community payback order.

“In my mind there is no alternativ­e to custody.”

Findlater, from Forfar, was also put on the Sex Offenders’ Register for 10 years.

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