Sunday Sport

Wibble! The plot to drive us all Brexit bonkers


WELL, I said it would happen.

After three- and- a- half- years of blathering on about it, MPs have driven all of us mad with their Brexit- related shenanigan­s.

Well, I say “all of us” – it is one poor fellow in Nottingham­shire.

A dad had the first known case of Brexit- triggered psychosis, a psychiatri­st revealed last week.

The patient, in his forties, was so ill following the referendum he tried to burrow out of hospital with his bare hands.

He even feared that one of his wife’s relatives was going to shoot him with a heat- seeking missile. Now, I’m no expert but that sounds even more batshit-crazy than the tosser who struts round Parliament Square, draped in the EU flag and hollering through a mic ( left).

The patient heard voices in his head, suffered with hallucinat­ions and delusions, became increasing­ly worried about racial incidents and said he was ashamed to be British following the 2016 poll.

The patient from Nottingham, whose anonymity has been protected, said: “I was looking at the electoral map of voting for the EU. I am in a constituen­cy that reflects an opinion that’s not for me.”

All but one council area of Nottingham­shire voted Leave.

He was eventually diagnosed with acute and transient psychotic disorder – a mental illness which is characteri­sed by a sudden onset of symptoms and barking at passing cars.

In a report of the case , his psychiatri­st, Dr Mohammad Zia Ul Haq Katshu, said it was ‘ the first case of ATPD precipitat­ed by Brexit’. You think so, Doctor? One glance at the online asylum that is Twitter and you can tell that the Nottingham­shire patient is not the only one who has been sent doolally by Brexit.

Normally- sane people, folk who normally respect and champion democracy, have taken to the streets, the airwaves, social media and even the courts to try and argue that black is white.

They have argued that the – clear, though narrow – vote to leave was the result of an unholy alliance between racists, “Little Englanders”, idiots, Russians, the super- rich, the poorly- educated and, for all I know, little green men from Uranus.

There are probably sections of the Labour Party who blame “shadowy internatio­nal financiers” – and we all know what they mean by that.

Sending us insane is EXACTLY what the political class want.

They don’t want to leave the EU because Britain leaving the EU would shrink the political class. It would remove a whole layer of government from the UK. Of COURSE they’re against it. So we’ve had Project Fear and that didn’t work.

Now they’re engaged in Project Wibble – a plot to make us all so sick of Brexit we start chewing the carpets and howling at the moon.

Remember that when they next come cadging your vote. Ends

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