Sunday Sport

Fury as clown brings CROC to kids’ party

- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

EVERYONE knows that clowns are utterly terrifying and that behind that bulbous red nose and make- up lurks a soul tortured by the blackest darkness.

But clown Terry Coco took terror to a whole new level when he turned up to a five- year- old’s birthday bash with a CROCODILE!

Needless to say, mayhem ensued with mums and tots screaming and crying and wetting themselves as Coco – real name Terry Watson – lurched in with the man- eating reptile.


Mum Carol Hoole, who organised the party for daughter Rihanna at home in Splint, Cumbria, said: “It was raining so we had the party in the garage – which is technicall­y outside so within the lockdown rules – and then the clown turns up.

“I think he was drunk. He reached into his bag and I thought he was going to pull out a balloon or summat but no – a sodding crocodile.

“All the other mums thought the croc were my idea and they’ve all been posting ‘ KILL YOURSELF’ on Facebook. It’s dead embarrassi­ng.”

Even more embarrassi­ng was the arrival of the local police constable, who instead of arresting Coco for his crocodile antics, nicked 29- year- old Carol for “hosting an illegal gathering”.

Now out on police bail, divorced mum- of- four Carol said: “When I catch up with that bloody clown, I’ll tan his arse.”

Terry Watson, 37, was not indoors at his run- down house in Whitehaven when our reporter called yesterday. Neighbours said he was visiting relatives in Cleator Moor.

 ??  ?? SHOCKER: Clown Terry during his disturbing ‘ croc’ act
SHOCKER: Clown Terry during his disturbing ‘ croc’ act
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