Sunday Sport


North Korean tyrant ‘ready for war’ over phoney nude snaps


COUPLE: Kim and Ri

FUMING North Korean tyrant Kim Jong- un came close to starting World War Three – again – because jokers made X- rated nude fake pics of his WIFE!

When tubby Kim saw the “dirty, insulting” depictions of his missus in an anti- Pyongyang leaflet campaign, he ordered a North- South Korea liaison office on the border to be BLOWN UP and told his generals to prepare for WAR.

The 36- year- old dictator even reportedly visited North Korea’s atom bomb store and chalked the words “This is for my wife” on one warhead.

The leaflets illustrate­d with the porn fakes of Ri Sol Ju were carried over the highly militarize­d border by balloons.

Using balloons to carry propaganda over the frontier has been a tactic used by both sides since the

1950- 53 Korean War.

But pamphlets that made it over the border late in May included “provocativ­e imagery “of first lady Ri which sparked “serious outrage” in Pyongyang.

An insider said: “Nobody wanted to show Kim the leaflets and the diplomat who eventually did was

PROPAGANDA: Fake sex pic of leader’s missus

CLOSE THING: Generals prepare for war ( and ( a border liaison office goes up taken out the back of the presidenti­al palace and thrown to Kim’s pack of ‘ execution pigs’.

“He then ordered every leaflet to be tracked down and destroyed. Any citizen found with one on their possession was executed on the spot.”

Russian Ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Matsegora, added: “The leaflets bore a special kind of insulting propaganda,

aimed directly leader’s spouse.”

He said they were photoshopp­ed “in such a low- grade way” that they became the “last straw” for the Hermit Kingdom.

The liaison office in Kaesong, just north of the border, was blown up on June 16.

The following day, Pyongyang announced it would resume military exercises, boost readiness in border towns and also re- establish guard posts.

Kim was talked down from launching a full- scale invasion of the South – which could well have sparked a global nuclear conflict – by his Chinese allies.

Our source said: “It was a VERY close thing.”



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