Sunday Sport

Who says nobody uses phone boxes any more?


GOOD CALL: Who wouldn’t like to make contact with a naked lady in a phone box?

RED telephone boxes have adorned Britain’s streets since Sir

Giles Gilbert Scott won a competitio­n to design them way back in 1924.

And as well as being used to make calls, the K- series phone box also doubled as a urinal and a venue for teen fingering.

After privatisat­ion in 1982, the thrusting young twats in charge replaced thousands of phone boxes with shit and soulless corporate cubicles in the name of “modernisat­ion”.

But the real death knell for the phone box came with the so- called “mobile phone”.

Now Britain’s phone box network is a shadow of its former self.

But there are still some about – and gorgeous model Amy Rose shows they still have a u se when she used one to flash at passers- by.

The 20- year- old temptress said: “That was the first time I’d ever been in a phone box!”

AMY: ‘ I had never been in a phone box before!’

WE never had facemasks when I was at school and it’s just typical of these bloody “snowflakes” that they think they need to wear one in classes.

When I was at school we walked miles in all weathers without shoes. Facemasks, pah! BARRY FINCH, HALESOWEN

IT’S just typical of the hateful Tories, demanding that hard- pressed families pay out yet more of their scarce money on these facemasks for schoolkids.

I’ll bet you find that the Tory Party is in the pay of “Big Facemask” and that the facemask industry pays a pretty penny into Conservati­ve Party coffers.



I LIVE near a school and it’s a shame to cover those lovely faces in masks. Watching the young ones going to school is a lovely start to my day.

It was bad enough when the girls were allowed to wear so- called “trousers”, covering up their youthful, coltish legs.

I’m not alone in thinking this. Many of my online friends think the same. PAUL MARTIN,


THE whole problem can be traced back to

Edward Bloody Heath taking us into the Common Market.

And if you believe that Britain has ‘ left’, then you’re more of a bloody fool than you look.

Right, I’ve had my say.


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