Sunday Sport

Britons never will be slaves? We already are!



ONE day, in the not too distant future, you will wake up and blearily put on your facemask – assuming that facemasks are not already compulsory while sleeping by then.

The walls of your state- provided home will drip with damp and reek of decay.

You’ll pull on grey, threadbare state- provided clothes and turn on your computer to receive your daily instructio­ns.

You will be told whether your neighbourh­ood is in “preventati­ve lockdown” or whether it is legal to leave your home.

Most people have forgotten COVID, the original reason for masks and lockdowns. The virus passed years ago but still we will wear masks and cower indoors. It’s not a good idea to ask “why?” You will also receive compulsory “education” on diversity, privilege and inclusivit­y.

You’ll be encouraged to hate the latest “thought criminals” who have been “cancelled” – a list of whom is put out daily on the BC. The word “British” has been removed from BBC.

Too “imperialis­t”, you see. Maybe you will wonder what happens to these “criminals” who are “cancelled”. But you don’t think about it for too long. Probably something ghastly. If you are very brave, maybe you’ll allow yourself a bit of your own “thought crime”.

You’ll remember a time when you felt a swell of pride at seeing the Union Flag fluttering in the breeze.

You’ll remember punching the air with joy or groaning in despair as you watched your national team play football.

You’ll remember that twinge of excitement as you watched the horse you backed in the Grand National round the final corner.

And you may even recall singing along to Rule Britannia or Land of Hope and Glory while watching Last Night of the Proms.

Of course both songs are banned now and even humming the tunes can land you on a compulsory “diversity awareness training” course.

Odd that nobody’s ever returned from a diversity awareness training course…

OK, OK, I’m laying it on a bit thick. Guess who re- read George Orwell’s 1984 recently?

But is it really too far- fetched to imagine this happening?

We may have a Conservati­ve government but the Left are in power.

You try stepping out of line, or voicing an opinion that is deemed “problemati­c”. Then you’ll see where power lies.

Under the guise of “protecting us from COVID”, Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory have effectivel­y been banned from this year’s Last Night. My bet is that they will never return.

Another little victory for the Lefties who see pride in being British as the worst of crimes.

Again and again, these people win. And we let them.

Britons never, never, never will be slaves?

We already are.

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