Sunday Sport

Why did I not get the Princess Di role? Racism and transphobi­a – that’s why!


- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

WHEN Elizabeth Debicki was cast as Princess Diana for the last two series of The Crown, the angels cheered.

Who better to portray the shy grace of the People’s Princess than the 29- year- old blonde Australian.

Well, actually, one actress thinks SHE had a better claim to play the Queen of Hearts in the smash Netflix drama.

Gwendoline Watson, 37, attended auditions for the part but after being told “we’ll let you know”, she heard nothing until news of Elizabeth’s casting was reported last month.

And now the trans activist from Bolton, Greater Manchester, is FUMING!

Gwendoline, who used to be known as Barry when she worked as a lorry driver, raged: “All this talk from broadcaste­rs about increasing diversity has been shown to be nothing more than hot air by this disgracefu­l decision.

“Picking a white cis female to play a white cis is a kick in the teeth of both the BAME and LGBTQQI+ communitie­s.

“Netflix had the chance to do something bold and brave by picking me for the part, but they have shown moral cowardice.


“Why did I not get this part? I think we know the answer to that – racism and transphobi­a that is so ingrained it is automatic, unthinking.”

Gwendoline has started an online petition calling for producers to sack Elizabeth and replace her with a more “minority- friendly” actor.

So far, the petition has received 14 signatures with promised”.

And Gwendoline – who at 25- stone claims fatism was also an element in her rejection for the coveted role – intends to step up her campaign with a sociallydi­stanced rally outside Bolton Town Hall on Tuesday.

She said: “I expect a huge crowd and I hope the rally is peaceful. But I cannot promise anything.

“My people are angry I did not get the part and if that anger spills onto the streets of Bolton, then Netflix will be to blame, not me.”

“some more

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 ??  ?? NOT FAIR: Gwendoline has slammed Netflix over its choice of Di actress
NOT FAIR: Gwendoline has slammed Netflix over its choice of Di actress
 ??  ?? PERFECT: Elizabeth has been deemed well fit and ideal to play Di
PERFECT: Elizabeth has been deemed well fit and ideal to play Di

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