Sunday Sport

Things you might not know about THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE


SHOWFLAKES are splutterin­g into their almond- milk lattes after President Donald Trump was nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.

He was given the nod by Christian Tybring- Gjedde of the Norwegian Parliament, who praised Trump for his efforts towards resolving conflicts worldwide.

But what is the Nobel Peace Prize? Here are some facts you may not have known…


THE Nobel Peace Prize is one of five Nobel prizes – the others being for Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, and Literature. 2

THEY were started by industrial­ist Alfred Nobel who, in a will dated November

27, 1895, left the bulk of his fortune to funding the awards.


HE made his fortune by inventing dynamite and went on to be a huge arms manufactur­er.


IN 1888, the death of his brother

Ludvig caused many newspapers to publish obituaries of Alfred in error. One French newspaper published an obituary titled “Le marchand de la mort est mort” (“The merchant of death is dead”). Nobel read the obituary and was appalled at the idea that he would be remembered in this way. So he set up the prizes to be remembered for something else.


THE Nobel Prize medal is 18- carat gold, weighs about one- third of a pound and measures

2.6 inches in diameter.


THE Peace Prize is inscribed with the words “Pro pace et fraternita­te gentium” ( For peace and fraternity among peoples).

THE Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the King of Norway on December 10 each year ( the anniversar­y of Nobel’s death).


MANY believe that Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but he was actually awarded the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature.


ADOLF Hitler was nominated for the

Nobel Peace Prize in 1939 by a member of the Swedish parliament,

E. G. C. Brandt, who later said he was joking.


MALALA Yousafzai was awarded the Peace Prize in 2014. At 17 she is the youngest ever winner.

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