Sunday Sport

And the Oscar for ‘woke’ bullshit goes to…


I’VE just looked at the winners of the Best Picture Oscar for the past 10 years.

How many I’ve seen?


My favourite films include The Longest Day, Zulu, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars: A New Hope and Back to the Future.

Precisely NONE of them carried off the Best Picture statuette.

I don’t think my cinema tastes are far from the mainstream – OK, Gaping Bangkok Shemales # 7 is one for the purists – but I’d say that the movies I like are liked by a fair share of the population.

The members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, who decided who wins the Oscars, are not like you and me.

They consider “dressing up and repeating lines written by someone else” to be an “art” and a “science” to boot.


So they give that treasured Best Picture golden statuette mostly to worthy, over- long balderdash that tackles “issues”.

And the Oscar is presented at a sickening, cynical, hypocritic­al semi- religious ceremony where Hollywood – the world’s largest collection of crooks and perverts – has the temerity to tell us mere mortals how to behave.

And it’s about to get worse as the Academy Awards take another step to oblivion.

The Academy Awards shake- up means films hoping to win Best Picture from 2024 will have to hire more black, female, LGBT or disabled cast and crew or address themes that directly affect those communitie­s.

Academy chiefs say the rules are intended to “better reflect the diversity of the movie- going audience”.

Oh are we in for a treat! If you’ve watched telly over the last few years, you will have noticed ethnic minority ( what we must now call BAME) and gay ( or LGBTQQI+) characters are shoehorned in.


That will only increase as nervy directors fear being shunned by the Academy or blackliste­d ( can we still say that?) by some “activist” group or another.

Look, we watch films to get away from the grinding awfulness of life.

Outside the cinema, the air may be thick with Chinese bat plague, statues pulled down by silly vandals and the Prime Minister is lurching between crises like Gazza with a fishing rod.

But on screen, the good guys win, the hero gets the girl and things blow up.

If I want to be educated in diversity I’ll buy the f** king Guardian.

No I won’t.

If I ever feel the need to be educated in diversity, I’ll throw myself in a f** king lake.

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