Sunday Sport

Corrie’s baddie blonde babe bares her

‘ISIS prank’ TV show taken off air


FOAM FUN: Tracie’s steamy bath scene in drama

A CANDID Camera- style prank show in Iraq that faked ISIS ambushes was cancelled after it outraged viewers.

Iraq’s media regulatory commission pulled Tannab Raslan off the air after the show triggered anger from the Iraqi audience.

The hidden cam show put local celeb guests at the mercy of actors who played extremist militants, complete with fake

I’M BACK: Tracie hits the cobbles again and

naked in guns and suicide vests.

It aired as a special during the holy month of Ramadan, but viewers questioned the ethics of terrifying its guests and forcing viewers to relieve the terror of ISIS rule in the country.

Baghdad resident Bashir al- Saddi said: “Frankly, this is not acceptable. It is inhuman and uncivilise­d.”

In one controvers­ial episode, Iraqi actress Nessma Tanneb is

CORONATION Street diehards are gripped by the latest storyline which, thankfully, does not involve a tram dropping on the cobbles or a maniac serial killer at large.

Sharon Bentley, played by Tracie Bennett, is hellbent on tracking down Leanne Battersby, played by Jane Danson, on behalf of Harvey, played by Will Mellor.

Sharon’s return to the cobbles after 22 years raised a lot of eyebrows, with some viewers wondering just what it is she’s up to and others wondering why they’re still watching Corrie when there’s much, much better things on Netflix and Sky.

Sharon manipulate­d her way into Rita Tanner’s ( Barbara Knox) heart and home but her true intentions soon came to light, as she started a search for missing Leanne.

But what we are rather more interested in is Tracie’s role in the comedy drama Making Out, in which she goes naked in the bath! And she stripped off again in 1987 for a saucy romp when she appeared in an episode of the period TV drama The Bretts.

One Corrie fan said: “To be fair, it’s better than seeing Eddie Yeats in the bath.

“Is Eddie Yeats still in it? He was good.” left distressed after she gets blindfolde­d and thinks she’s in a building being stormed by militant forces.

Iraqi security forces come to the rescue, but Tanneb faints.

The positive depiction of the security forces was a reason some viewers dissented and were gutted the show was axed.

Presenter Raslan Haddad said of the cancellati­on: “The decision is unjust.”

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